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Jul. 11., 2005 | 11:48 pm
posted by: lyrfeel in pajautaa

Kā var angliski pateikt, "viņš tomēr mani mīl"? Vienkārši "he loves me" neder, jo tad nevar saprast, ka "tomēr"!

"Anyway" arī neder, tas nav īsti tas. Es mokos, bet nevaru atrast īsto vārdu. Šiteitan, kur es esmu, Tildes ar nava. Plīz help!

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Comments {12}

neatbildīgs komentārs

from: [info]narayana
date: Jul. 11., 2005 - 11:55 pm

"tilde" vienmēr ir pa rokai:

Atbildēt | Diskusija


Re: neatbildīgs komentārs

from: [info]lyrfeel
date: Jul. 12., 2005 - 12:11 am

Jūū, šis arī būs noderīgs, paldies :]

Atbildēt | Iepriekšējais

from: [info]masochist
date: Jul. 11., 2005 - 11:57 pm

I adv
1) notwithstanding; though; WordNet 1.6 Copyright © 1997 by Princeton University. All rights reseved
- despite anything to the contrary usually following a concession; 'although I'm a little afraid, however I'd like to try it'; 'while we disliked each other, nevertheless we agreed'; 'he was a stern yet fair master'; 'granted that it is dangerous, all the same I still want to go'
- (postpositive) however; 'it might be unpleasant, though'
- despite the fact that; 'even though she knew the answer, she did not respond'

2) nevertheless; still; WordNet 1.6 Copyright © 1997 by Princeton University. All rights reseved
- despite anything to the contrary usually following a concession; 'although I'm a little afraid, however I'd like to try it'; 'while we disliked each other, nevertheless we agreed'; 'he was a stern yet fair master'; 'granted that it is dangerous, all the same I still want to go'

II conj.
1) however; nonetheless; yet; for all that;
1) but then; but then again;
2) at the same time;
3) just the same;
4) all the same;

tas no Tildes, ja līdzēs... =P

Atbildēt | Diskusija


from: [info]lyrfeel
date: Jul. 12., 2005 - 12:09 am

Jāāāāā, "though", tas bij tas, ko man vaidzēj - bij pavisam aizmirsies, ka i šitāds vārds!! Liels paldies!! Nu es to centīsies atcerēties gan :]

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from: [info]crescendo
date: Jul. 12., 2005 - 08:56 am

though nebūs pareizais... tulkojums iznāk, bet jēga cita.

Vai nu "nevertheless" kaa te zemaak iesaka, vai arī "still".

"He loves me still", arī "He still loves me" - abi ir pieļaujami. Burtiski tulkojums ir cits, bet jēga - tā, ko minēji.

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from: [info]kits
date: Jul. 12., 2005 - 10:21 am

manuprāt arī "he loves me, though" pilnībā der. izņemot to, ka tas ir vairāk tāds sarunvalodīgs formējums, nevis literārs. "he loves me still" skan labāk, tiesa.

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from: [info]crescendo
date: Jul. 12., 2005 - 10:25 am

Derēt jau der... bet pieskaņa ir ne tik daudz "viņš mani tomēr mīl" bet gan "Bet viņš taču mani mīl". Ja tas ir tas, ko gribēja pateikt ar "tomēr" - tad der... konteksts jau mums nav zināms :)

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XOOX. Cilvēks.

from: [info]xoox
date: Jul. 12., 2005 - 12:00 am

"he loves me nevertheless" būs īstais


nenopietns cilvēks


from: [info]pzrk
date: Jul. 12., 2005 - 09:28 am

he does love me

Atbildēt | Diskusija


Re: imho

from: [info]lyrfeel
date: Jul. 12., 2005 - 09:39 am

Vispār šis variants laikam ir vēl tuvāks tam, ko man vaidzēj.... 8)

Atbildēt | Iepriekšējais | Diskusija

nenopietns cilvēks

Re: imho

from: [info]pzrk
date: Jul. 12., 2005 - 09:41 am

vienmēr laipni ;)

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from: [info]aardark
date: Jul. 13., 2005 - 01:26 am

He loves me after all.
