only after dark ([info]tvarj) rakstīja,
@ 2017-12-18 18:46:00

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palīdziet atrisināt rēbusu
mēs te viendien ar hotai aizdomājāmies, kas tā ir par etiķetes normu, kas liedz pavecākām dāmām kafejnīcās noņemt savas neglītās mices un pižikus?
bailes, ka nozags?
sajaukta frizūra??

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2017-12-18 20:48 (saite)
nebūt ne no padomju laikiem.

Unlike a gentleman however, etiquette did not demand that she remove it when meeting people or moving in and out of public and private spaces. Ladies' hats were often precisely pinned to their carefully composed coiffures, and removing them would cause all that painstaking work to collapse ignominiously - so in all social situations, etiquette never demanded that a lady remove her hat.

This was a centuries old understanding. Even back in the days when men were required to pluck their hats from their heads in the presence of their betters, no such requirement applied to women. A demure curtsy was always sufficient.

So, for example, if a lady were meeting friends for tea, she would put on her hat, go to the place were tea was to be had, and take tea with her hat on.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2017-12-18 22:14 (saite)
būtu jau labi, ja tās būtu kundzītes ar skaisti saspraustiem matiem un glītām cepurēm. parasti ir tantes ar mohērveidīgām micēm piekrāsotās pačkās.

bet es nestrīdos, ka ieraža nāk vēl no tiem laikiem.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

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