taisni_banani ([info]taisni_banani) rakstīja,
@ 2011-11-15 10:17:00

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at least I get to write letters:


I have always wondered, why european political speeches are so boring if compared to USA for example or even to the national level

This is just such an absurd- we worry that European people are not interested in EP, and try to attract people to our events, but what we offer is rarely `fun`. No stories, no hooks. As if we would not believe ourselves.

But I see there are a lot of considerations to be taken into account and of course I have to learn a lot about the system, I m very fresh

Please forgive my reflections, this is in no case an offence or smth about this particular case

Have a nice day

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2011-11-15 11:35 (saite)
ļoti labi!

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2011-11-15 11:41 (saite)
mēs tieši nesena ar aktrisi par šito runājām. ka amerikā pat visdebīlākais prezidenta kandidāts http://thinkprogress.org/security/2011/10/09/339879/cain-uzbekistan-beki-beki-stan-stan/ runā daudz pārlieciošāk par vidējo Eiropas, nemaz nerunājot par LV, politiķi.

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2011-11-15 11:54 (saite)
Man liekas, Eiropā tā vaina, ka tos stāstus nesaprot/var pārprast. Jo liela daļa tomēr ir valstī nolasāmi, ne visā ES.
Šeit, piemēram, spāņu kolēģi regulāri mēģina visādus dokumentus izkrāšņot ar citātiem no Dona Kihota, bet, nu, nesaprot pārējie, kaut atpazīst. Tad nu atliek nonivelēties uz minimālo kopējo, kas ir sauss, garlaicīgs un tehnoloģisks.

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