taisni_banani ([info]taisni_banani) rakstīja,
@ 2011-11-15 10:17:00

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at least I get to write letters:


I have always wondered, why european political speeches are so boring if compared to USA for example or even to the national level

This is just such an absurd- we worry that European people are not interested in EP, and try to attract people to our events, but what we offer is rarely `fun`. No stories, no hooks. As if we would not believe ourselves.

But I see there are a lot of considerations to be taken into account and of course I have to learn a lot about the system, I m very fresh

Please forgive my reflections, this is in no case an offence or smth about this particular case

Have a nice day

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2011-11-15 11:35 (saite)
ļoti labi!

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