taisni_banani ([info]taisni_banani) rakstīja,
@ 2010-05-21 17:02:00

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es jau rakstīju, ka sieviete, no kuras es īrēju dzīvokli, ir traka. man sāka sāpēt galva, cenšoties saprast viņas e-pastu.

Mana vēstule:

Hello, Ghislaine,
1) First, I have an emergency. The hot water tap is broken - it was impossible to close it completely, so I supposedly turned it too hard this morning and it broke, so there is no way to stop the hot water running in bath, so I turned the water off for my appartment. Can you suggest me how to proceed to fix this????
2) Yes, one of the bicycles in hall (woman's bicycle with bags) is really
> mine, and it will be nice if I could keep it in some
> area where it doesn't disturb you. 8 EUR is OK. Please let me know
> when I can start using the space.
3) With heating: you are right. I have to call the service, however, I
> had too much work and it is hard to organize for a day off to wait for
> the maintenance... I will call them next week, I promise.
> Greetings,
> taisni_banani


i will come tomorow because i am still here at office and i hjave also a problem here that will takes time until 10 h then tomorrow i will come and maybe it is the same problem if you don't call te man for the mainteave you thnance it is too late . please call him ask him for you and tell him that you will pay the invoice imméidately because he will not come if he doesn't come let me knw and i will send you somebody else because this man is stupid but good in his work it is a matter of invoice ! he let the invoice that mr metzei was supposed to pay , he sent it to me and i told him not to do that and that he must send the inoice to te right person then now i prefer not to speak with him do like this, pay him and i will give you the money back and take a invoice for your security normaly it costs 90 euros around best regards don't worry for the bicycle but i was upset with all the wires, bottle and the mess in the lobby and the lady who must clean that not come then in june i will organise the space for bycicle but before i must hire the space with wood so that nobody can see from outside g de villenfagne

(Ierakstīt jaunu komentāru)

2010-05-21 18:28 (saite)
raksta uz laptopa ar nezslēgtu skārienjūtīgo laukumiņu.

bet vispār tāds spēcīgs apziņas plūsmas dokumentēju7ms - kādas domas, tāds izklāsts uz ekrāna. bet tā jau viss skaidrs - samaksāsi vecim, tikai tad viņš nāks, jo vispār dumš, bet labs savā amatā - moš pat krānu sačikās. saņemies - izbrīvējies no darba un viss!

(Atbildēt uz šo)

2010-05-21 21:53 (saite)
to visu vajag lasīt ļoti, ļoti lielā ātrumā, neapstājoties

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2010-05-21 22:06 (saite)
Lielā ātrumā un ar spēcīgu franču akcentu, piemēram.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2010-06-02 01:42 (saite)

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

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