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@ 2010-01-20 11:19:00

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Summer Schools Oxford
Sun 4 to Sat 10 Jul 2010

Course Overview
The Brontë sisters lived and wrote together. They went to the same schools, loved the same Yorkshire landscape, and all worked as governesses. Similar experiences produced very different novels. This course will examine Jane Eyre, Agnes Grey and Wuthering Heights. There will be discussion of the links between the Brontës’ lives and their writings and consideration of other influences, both literary and historical, upon their work. The Brontë myth will also be discussed; are their lives and novels as romantic as is often thought?

Programme details
Seminars meet each weekday morning, 09.15-10.45 and 11.15-12.45, with afternoons free for course-related field trips, individual study or exploring the many beautiful places in and around the city.

Discussion of Jane Eyre
Discussion of Agnes Grey
Discussion of Wuthering Heights
Concluding discussion
Social Programme

Walking tour of Oxford
Guided tour of Christ Church
An evening of strawberries and wine in the Masters’ Garden
An evening of whisky tasting
After-dinner talk: Tales out of Court and Thoughts on the English Legal System
’Alice in Waterland’ Walk
Excursion: Blenheim Palace
Tutor: Val Dodd
Val Dodd is an Oxford graduate and has taught for OUDCE since 1985. She has published a book on George Eliot and articles on bibliography, intellectual history and rural crime. She is Tutor in English at Blackfriars Hall, Oxford.

Further details
We offer over 50 courses in a variety of subjects each year over a period of 5 weeks at Christ Church, one of Oxford's oldest and most beautiful colleges. All meals are included in the price and many of the courses also offer excursions where the tutor accompanies his or her group on a day or half-day trip. All meals are taken in Christ Church's magnificent Tudor Dining Hall which was replicated in the Harry Potter films.

Accommodation is in Christ Church College itself. This is extremely popular with course participants who would like to experience what it's like to be an Oxford student for a week.

The classes are held in the mornings 0915 - 1245 with a coffee break in between. Participants are free after lunch. In the afternoons and evenings we also arrange a variety of activities which you'll see detailed on our website and in the brochures. These range from typical British 'croquet on the lawn' and 'strawberries and wine in the Master's Garden' to evening lectures, walking tours of Oxford, plays in Stratford-upon-Avon and whisky-tasting.

Each year the programme changes and usually has at least 20 new courses on offer. We also always offer the Brontës and Jane Austen.

19th century literature courses this year:

The Brontës
The English Romantic Poets
Jane Austen's Heroines
Alice's Adventures in Oxford
Exploring Dickens' Great Expectations

We also have the following courses on literature:

Oxford Murder
Reading Contemporary British Fiction
Love in Shakespeare
Shakespeare in Oxford

The courses are aimed at adults who would like to focus on a subject they enjoy, or would like to learn more about, in a friendly, supportive environment.


Tas, man liekas, ir kaut kas nenormāli skaists.

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2010-01-20 14:40 (saite)
cik man nācies skatities, Ox vasarskolas nemaksā maz. lai arī, ņemot vērā dažu darba vietas, tas ir relatīvi

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2010-01-20 16:08 (saite)

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2010-01-20 17:19 (saite)
ak, māsiņ!

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