silent wings ([info]sw) rakstīja,
@ 2006-04-26 02:19:00

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April the 26th

"If I was to keep walking all the way to the reactor, I would glow in the dark tonight. Maybe this is why they call it magic wood. It is sort of magical when one walks in with biker's leather and walks out like a knight in a shining armor."

"At first glance, Ghost Town seems like a normal town. There is a taxi stop, a grocery store, someone's wash hangs from the balcony and the windows are open. But then I see a slogan on a building that says - "The Party of Lenin Will Lead Us To The Triumph Of Communism"......and I realize that those windows were opened to the sping air of April of 1986."

"The fire engines never returned in their garages, and the firemen never returned to their homes. The firemen were the first on the scene, and they thought it was an ordinary fire. No one told them what they were really dealing with."

"Children had to part with their favourite toys. People had to leave everything, from photos of their grandparents to cars. Their clothes, cash and passports has all been changed by state authorities. Incredibly, people had homes, motorcycles, garages, cars, country houses, they had money, friends and relatives. People had their lives. Each had their own niche. And then in a matter of hours, their entire world fell to pieces."

Bet vislabāk izlasiet paši. Un vēlams no paša sākuma.

Un tad vēl šeit, pavisam nedaudz.

Šodien, 2006. gada 26. aprīlī.

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2006-04-26 03:26 (saite)
Nevajag jau šausmīgus attēlus vai tekstus - fakts pats par sevi ir šausminošs. Es vienmēr domāju par tiem ļaudīm, kuriem no Latvijas lika doties novērst tās avārijas sekas - a ne jau viņu druva tā bija - un visas tās slimības, kuras tagad tos cilvēkus moka. No otras puses šokē arī Maskavas rīcība, klusējot - cilvēks jau ir nieks, galvenais, lai viss glīti izskatās. Bet nu labi. Ir, ir arī man emocijas šajā sakarā.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2006-04-26 03:34 (saite)
Taisnība, materiāliem nav jābūt šausmīgiem, lai aizķertu un liktu padomāt. Bet Maskavas rīcībā diezin vai kas manītos arī šobaltdien. Ir jāmainās vairākām paaudzēm, un arī tad nebūs nekādas garantijas, ka jaunās paaudzes neatradīs virkni ieganstu, lai klusētu.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2006-04-26 03:37 (saite)
Nu jā - par Krieviju un Maskavu kaut ko paredzēt ir grūti. Tur iedibināt normālu pārvaldes sistēmu, kas kalpotu tautai, šķiet, ir neiespējami, jo vēl nekad tur tāda nav bijusi.

Ko Tu neguli? Arī vēl ar zinātni nodarbojies, jeb citādāks pieradums?

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