Tuesday, June 19th, 2007

Agent Orange

Nejauši uzmanību piesaistīja EuroNews sižets par to, kā Vjetnamas kara ASV puses veterāni ir apvienojušies spēkiem ar vjetnamiešu veterāniem, lai panāktu no ASV ķīmiskās rūpniecības uzņēmumiem kompensāciju par kaitējumu, ko viņiem nodarījusi herbicīda (defolianta) Agent Orange izmantošana Vjetnamas kara laikā ar mērķi neļaut vjetkongiešu kaujiniekiem paslēpties džungļos. Tāpēc mazliet paklejoju tīmekļa plašumos.

Nedaudz nesakarīga info kompilācija angļu valodā. )
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Wednesday, April 26th, 2006

April the 26th

... tālāk ... )

"Children had to part with their favourite toys. People had to leave everything, from photos of their grandparents to cars. Their clothes, cash and passports has all been changed by state authorities. Incredibly, people had homes, motorcycles, garages, cars, country houses, they had money, friends and relatives. People had their lives. Each had their own niche. And then in a matter of hours, their entire world fell to pieces."

... tālāk ... )

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