Svešinieka piezīmes

Citi vīri

5.1.25 00:19 - [info]aborigens

"Es vēroju ārstu tikpat cītīgi, kā viņš vēro manu slimību; es redzu, ka viņš baidās, un es baidos līdz ar viņu; es aizsteidzos, aizskrienu viņam un viņa bailēm priekšā, un es kustos ātrāk, jo viņš virzās lēni: es baidos jo vairāk tāpēc, ka viņš apslēpj savas bailes, un es tās redzu jo skaidrāk tāpēc, ka viņš nevēlas lai es tās redzētu. Viņš zina, ka viņa bailes netraucēs viņa mākas pielietojumu un izmantojumu, bet viņš zina, ka manas bailes var izjaukt viņa rīcības iznākumu un iedarbību. Gluži kā liesas kaites sarežģī un sajaucas ar jebkuru miesas slimību, tā arī bailes iespiežas ikkatrā prāta darbībā vai kaislībā; un gluži kā gāzes ķermenī var izlikties kā jebkura slimība un šķist kā akmens un kā podagra, tā arī bailes var izlikties par jebkuru prāta slimību. Var šķist, ka tā ir mīlestība, piederēšanas mīlestība, bet tās ir tikai bailes, greizsirdības un aizdomu pilnas bailes zaudēt. Var šķist, ka tā ir drosme, kas nicina un nenovērtē briesmas, bet tās ir tikai bailes, kas pārvērtē viedokli un vērtējumu, un bailes to pazaudēt.
Cilvēks, kas nebaidās no lauvas, baidās no kaķa; nebaidās no bada, bet baidās no gaļas gabala, kas likts galdā, lai viņu pabarotu; cilvēks, kurš nebaidās no bungu un tauru, un šāvienu skaņām un no tā, ko tās tiecas slāpēt, - no vīru pēdējiem pirmsnāves kliedzieniem, bet baidās no kāda noteikta labskanīga instrumenta. Es nezinu, kas ir bailes, tāpat kā nezinu, kas ir tas no kā patlaban baidos[..]
Tāpat kā jebkura auksta vēja pūsma nav drēgnums, jebkura nodrebēšana nav apstulbums; tāpat arī jebkuras bailes nav bailīgums, jebkura izvairīšanās nav bēgšana, jebkurš strīds nav risinājums, jebkura vēlēšanās kaut nebūtu tā, kā ir, nav kurnēšana vai nomāktība, kaut gan varētu būt; bet tāpat kā mana ārsta bailes neattur viņu no savas mākas pielietošanas, manas bailes neattur man saņemt no Dieva un cilvēka, un manis paša garīgu un cilvēcīgu un morālu palīdzību un mierinājumu."

/ Džons Donns, Lūgšanas un apceres ārkārtas gadījumos un manas slimības posmi

4.1.25 21:50 - [info]misene

4.1.25 21:11 - [info]iive rakstīja iekš [info]pajautaa


Kā es no makbuka varu tikt pie Library Genesis failiem? Mēģināju nomainīt DNS uz, tas neko nedeva.


4.1.25 10:58 - [info]gnidrologs

4.1.25 11:05 - [info]murx rakstīja iekš [info]pajautaa - CV

Vai kaut kur ir kādi špikeri kā pareizi, pēc jaunākajām tendencēm jāraksta CV?

4.1.25 10:03 - [info]qgmr101 - Latvijas vēsture 29 minūtēs


Visnotaļ trāpīgs skats uz Latvijas vēsturi no malas.

3.1.25 20:12 - [info]gnidrologs

This was probably always the endgame of the right turning into the "anti-woke" mob. This has been going on for a long time, but it really accelerated post-Covid. The constant outrage bait. "This person put pronouns in her bio, the world has gone mad!!!" By 2023, some people on the right were already sarcastically saying "Oh my God, the woke have really gone too far this time!!!" any time this sort of coverage came out.

I think they saw that this was not an organic movement, but that it was to pull the right away from its original principles. Look back at what the (dissident) right was around 2014-2019 and compare it to what it is now. It's become an outrage machine. Worse than the Iraq War-era Fox News. Pulling people further and further away from standing on their own principles. They managed to get the right-wing to believe in nothing except the endless war against the elusive and ephemeral "woke". Immigration and ethnic replacement are hard, concrete things, but "woke" can be anything. This tendency was first with DeSantis, but when he proved useless, they jumped to Trump instead.

The endgame of this was to turn the "anti-woke/anti-DEI" nu-right into a weapon against whites, and this is unfolding now. That's also why all these big brain Intellectual Dark Web people recently started agitating against the "woke right" a while ago. They're against the DEI, but they're keeping the "D": the right has become a racially diverse movement, and diversity is code for anti-white.

At the risk of stating the obvious, of course it's not DEI to be against the ethnic cleansing of white Americans and conservatives from white-collar jobs. That cleansing was called DEI. To want to reverse that is not DEI, it's to undo DEI. There are highly competent people who were literally blacklisted just for having voted Trump in 2016 and 2020. Almost all job growth has gone to nonwhites under DEI dictates put down by oligarchs and governments in the last 5 years. The Indian is superior at nothing except pretending to work, which is why you need so many of them to replace one white guy. It's just that the white American guy will demand a 40-hour work week, a wage that will help him pay the rent on a place of his own, so that he can raise a family instead of living communally with five other peasants. Whereas the Indian will eat any shit his boss gives him, because it beats living in India. Pretty simple really.

3.1.25 15:27 - [info]au - par gandrīz neiespējamo balli

un vēl. par jaungadu.

aizbraucām uz Cēsīm, visi tādi priecīgi jau dienu iepriekš, dabas takas tuvējās iziet un tā. un gatavoties lielajai deviņdesmito gadu ballei Malā.

un tad 30tajā vakarā Ūpim uzkāpj līdz 40 grādiem, skaidrs, ka ballīte ir jāpārskata, varbūt jābrauc uz Rīgu, kā nu būs.
bet izdarījām visu perfekti - ballējāmies uz maiņām. es no sākuma, tad m_b līdz gandrīz pusnaktij, tad mēs kopā viesnīcā ar šampi un bučām, un tad es līdz rītam.
un līdz rītam - ai mīn, - līdz RĪTAM. biju atpakaļ sešos, pārdejojusies! pārdejojusies tā, kā jau sen biju pelnījusi.

3.1.25 15:25 - [info]au

man liekas, ka ar janvāri nekādas apņemšanās nav vajadzīgas, es tikai gribētu dzīvot uz priekšu.
taču gribēju piefiksēt, ka (ja nesāksies karš) -
šogad pirmo reizi desmit gadu laikā man nekas nemainīsies:

es nedzemdēšu, es nepārvākšos, es neceļošu visu gadu, es neprecēšos, es nebūšu stāvoklī, es nemainīšu darbu, man neviens bērns nebeigs dārziņu, man neviens bērns neuzsāks skolas gaitas, man nebūs remontu.

un par to - priekā!

1.1.25 21:44 - [info]krii

Lai jums laimīgs gads, mīļie (paši zināt, kuri tādi ir).

Kopumā man šķiet, ka gaisā virmo daudz eiforisku cerību.
Tad jau redzēsi, kas sanāks.

1.1.25 01:35 - [info]misene

29.12.24 23:20 - [info]aborigens

Krēslas brīdis ir tik īss
Guli šonakt ziedos
Ne jau visu norakstīs
Ne jau visu piedos

/Skujenieks Zanderes pārdomās

29.12.24 23:15 - [info]gnidrologs

28.12.24 23:38 - [info]gnidrologs

It's a mystery to me why MIGA-tards ever thought the number one oligarch was ever on the side of the legacy population of America, much less so when the real-estate Zio clown himself is on record wanting any client group other than Americans of European descent. Greater Zionia first, White America last, that was the exoteric message of the Trump campaign, and the backing of mass media behind it should have cued anyone in that it was serious. Same old Republicans as they always have been. As for Elon he only bought Twitter to keep whatever version of PRISM that is ongoing fed with data collection and taps, he's entrenched with the American deepstate and entirely beholden to jewish finance.


This is your regular card-carrying member of the MIGA movement, and yes, this is a lesbian jew, formerly a transsexual, and not just a jew, but one of those dual citizenship Zios. She jumped ship from the Democrats when it became clear that the Democrats had taken the anti-colonial/oppression rhetoric too far, it had become an issue for continued total support of Israel's genocides and conquests in the Middle-East, and the niggers had started to get a bit uppity towards their jewish masters.

I'm not sure why streetshitters are their favored new golem, maybe it's because they're the sort of degenerated post-racial jungle societal collapse kind of person they want the new American to be like, clever enough to rub two rocks together, but not dangerous and ever worshipful of the kike master inbred race. Maybe it's the shit in the street part, jews are the scatologically obsessed race after all. Doesn't matter, the end result is the same, ZOG would rather have America collapse than to even lift a finger for the White voting base of the Republican party, most of the time there is active hostility towards it.

28.12.24 23:19 - [info]gnidrologs - "amerikāņu" nozīmē - (arī) pie mums

Everyone except White people is allowed to have a collective racial identity.
Everyone except White people is allowed to celebrate their history and heritage.
Everyone except White people is allowed to show in-group preference.

I wonder (((who))) could be responsible for implanting these ideas so firmly into American politics and culture.

28.12.24 21:36 - [info]gnidrologs

Ultracionžīdēns nr19 satrakojies ne pa jokam. Pie tam bez saprotama iemesla. Vecāki, paslēpiet bērnus.

26.12.24 22:30 - [info]misene

26.12.24 10:25 - [info]krii

Rīt atkal uz darbu.
Drusku bezgaumīgi nogulēts brīvlaiks; bija ģimenes Ziemassvētku vakars, viss pārējais - vāļāšanās, jūtube, pastaigas ar suni, sveicienu sūtīšana un atbildēšana.

Nekas, priekšā vēl viens miniatvaļinājums, varbūt drusku iziešu ļaudīs.

25.12.24 20:16 - [info]misene


25.12.24 17:52 - [info]misene

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