Snorke ([info]snorke) rakstīja,
@ 2009-05-02 17:02:00

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saruna lietū ar cigareti un kādu,, draugu
- how is Eliza?
- very fine, tutto bene
- and you? where is your boyfriend?
- he "needs time” ,,, he has complicated situation in his life
- acch! This is a common sentence from guys....
- yes, I know,,,, so,, when you guys say " I need time",,, what do you think ????
- it means "i`m not sure"
- and what the woman shoud do in this case ? - when man is not sure ? right strategy ?
- have you noticed that i am not very clever in man-woman relationship? do you want advices from me?
- Yes, please
- I think ,,, the best what woman can answer is "fuck you"
- have you ever said to the woman : I need time ???
- I dont remember, I think not
- and some woman to you ?
- no(,,,, after thinking ,,,,)or maybe a wise girl would set time, "ok, take some time, then decide once for ever"
- His idea was September-October :)
- shit! just to destroy holiday
- no, idea is that we will go together to greece etcetera
- He is a smart guy! I envy him
- He cant decide to come with me or with her (ciešanu pilnā balsī, kā Misters Bīns)
............ šaubu pilns skatiens, kurā jaušami smiekli
- say me : all Latvians are like this ?
- No, its my private madness
- I decided not to put attention anymore
- Not easy,, mm ?
- ok, even if much more spectacular would be to kill him
- italian jail are not nice, i suggest not to do it… not really … Postpone your murder plan, ok?

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2007-05-02 18:12 (saite)
ir tāds termins "pasīvi atkarīgas attiecības".
tādas ir īpaši veido ļaudis, kas vai nu agrā bērnībā tikuši emocionāli no vecākiem pamesti,
vai arī ļaudis, par kuriem māte kādu laiku labi rūpējusies, bet tad, kad viņi pārstājuši būt nevarīgi un nesajēdzoši (kā mājdzīvnieciņi), tad zaudējusi interesi.
nu un šiem cilvēkiem pēc tam visu dzīvi ir ļoti bail tikt pamestiem, un tad nu viņi uzvedas kā uzvedas.

es tā nekonkrēti šo stāstu atcerējos pēc tava stāsta.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2007-05-02 18:14 (saite)
tas par mani, jā,,, bet ko man darīt?

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2007-05-02 18:18 (saite)
vakarā paskatīšos grāmatā :)
vispār tur bija stāsti par terapiju, kuras rezultātā sāk vairāk sevi cienīt un nebaidīties no pamešanas.

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