saruna lietū ar cigareti un kādu,, draugu
- how is Eliza?
- very fine, tutto bene
- and you? where is your boyfriend?
- he "needs time” ,,, he has complicated situation in his life
- acch! This is a common sentence from guys....
- yes, I know,,,, so,, when you guys say " I need time",,, what do you think ????
- it means "i`m not sure"
- and what the woman shoud do in this case ? - when man is not sure ? right strategy ?
- have you noticed that i am not very clever in man-woman relationship? do you want advices from me?
- Yes, please
- I think ,,, the best what woman can answer is "fuck you"
- have you ever said to the woman : I need time ???
- I dont remember, I think not
- and some woman to you ?
- no(,,,, after thinking ,,,,)or maybe a wise girl would set time, "ok, take some time, then decide once for ever"
- His idea was September-October :)
- shit! just to destroy holiday
- no, idea is that we will go together to greece etcetera
- He is a smart guy! I envy him
- He cant decide to come with me or with her (ciešanu pilnā balsī, kā Misters Bīns)
............ šaubu pilns skatiens, kurā jaušami smiekli
- say me : all Latvians are like this ?
- No, its my private madness
- I decided not to put attention anymore
- Not easy,, mm ?
- ok, even if much more spectacular would be to kill him
- italian jail are not nice, i suggest not to do it… not really … Postpone your murder plan, ok?
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