-- ([info]ripp) rakstīja,
@ 2016-02-23 23:09:00

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katru mēnesi es lasu par pilnmēnesi. un, es saprotu, ka citus tas laikam ietekmē. bet reizēm ir sajūta, ka cilvēki meklē kādu vainīgo un te tas ir. mēness. tas nebiju es, tas bija pilnmēness. ak, ir pilnmēness, tādēļ esmu tāds. vai tādēļ kāds cits tāds.
un katru mēnesi es nekādi nespēju atkratīties no sajūtas, ka pilnmēness ir aizbildinājums, nevis kāda reāla ietekme.
es mēdzu būt psiha dirsa jebkādās mēness fāzēs. pavisam noteikti. citi man apkārt arī.

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Tas ir tāpat kā ar homeopātiju
2016-02-24 07:04 (saite)
Lai pilnmēness uz Tevi iedarbotos, Tev ir ļoti, ļoti tam jātic.


Conducted a meta-analysis of 37 published and unpublished studies to examine relations between phases of the moon; type of lunar cycle; sex; publication practices; geographical features (latitude, population density); and several types of lunacy, including mental hospital admissions, psychiatric disturbances, crisis calls, homicides, and other criminal offenses. Results of effect-size estimates show that phases of the moon accounted for no more than 1% of the variance in activities usually termed lunacy. Alleged relations between phases of the moon and behavior can be traced to inappropriate analyses, a failure to take other (e.g., weekly) cycles into account, and a willingness to accept any departure from chance as evidence of a lunar effect. (3½ p ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

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Re: Tas ir tāpat kā ar homeopātiju
2016-02-24 08:54 (saite)
paldies par šo. ļoti izglītojoši :)

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