galvenais hipo ([info]daria) rakstīja,
Tas ir tāpat kā ar homeopātiju
Lai pilnmēness uz Tevi iedarbotos, Tev ir ļoti, ļoti tam jātic.

Conducted a meta-analysis of 37 published and unpublished studies to examine relations between phases of the moon; type of lunar cycle; sex; publication practices; geographical features (latitude, population density); and several types of lunacy, including mental hospital admissions, psychiatric disturbances, crisis calls, homicides, and other criminal offenses. Results of effect-size estimates show that phases of the moon accounted for no more than 1% of the variance in activities usually termed lunacy. Alleged relations between phases of the moon and behavior can be traced to inappropriate analyses, a failure to take other (e.g., weekly) cycles into account, and a willingness to accept any departure from chance as evidence of a lunar effect. (3½ p ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

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