resort ([info]resort) rakstīja,
@ 2021-07-04 08:51:00

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This retard (par ASV Slimību kontroles centra direktori) just admitted that vaccinating 1 million kids only prevents 1 death. In what fucking world do you administer an experimental treatment to ONE MILLION CHILDREN in order to save one life?

There are an almost infinite number of medical interventions that we could use on the entire population to potentially save lives, but we don't do things that way because it is cost prohibitive. And when we say "cost prohibitive", we don't mean that those lives are without value. We mean that it is so irresponsible to spend resources in this way that it is actually immoral.

How many children's lives would be saved if you took the money required to stock and distribute and administer one million vaxx doses and instead spent it on early cancer detection? Or diabetes education? Or healthy food and exercise programs?

Even if you completely ignore the negative side effects, which are terrifying, vaccinating kids with this shit is not a cost effective strategy for saving or improving lives. It's bad math.

Atgādināšu, ka CDC direktores lietotais termins "vakcīna" ir pretrunā ar ASV Pārtikas un zāļu administrācijas klasifikāciju "gēnu terapija". Vakcīnas korona vīrusus kā tādus neņem, bet mēģināt kantainu pirkstu iebāzt trijstūrainā krokā vēdera vidū jau nav aizliegts.

Despite your upper respiratory tract feeling very much like it's inside your body, it's effectively considered an external surface for the purposes of immunisation.

"It's a bit like trying to get a vaccine to kill a virus on the surface of your skin."

Es gribētu vakcīnu pret dunduriem, lai viņi izšķīst uzreiz kā nosēžas.

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2021-07-04 12:16 (saite)
Latvijā nemaz nav miljons bērnu.

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