Posted by zobinji on 2024.12.31 at 13:49
nu tad - katram savu Rossolu!
bez pārāk dziļas filosofijas ..
Posted by neraate on 2024.12.30 at 23:44
otro dienu pēc kārtas izejot aplīti reāli jūtu kā uzlabojas psihoemocionālā veselība. laikam bija izveidojies ieradums, ja jau uzreiz
Posted by zobinji on 2024.12.30 at 14:11
cilvēks iziet iznest miseni
un atgriežas cauri slapjš, izlijis
Laimīgu Jauno gadu!
Posted by gnidrologs on 2024.12.29 at 23:15
Posted by gnidrologs on 2024.12.28 at 23:38
It's a mystery to me why MIGA-tards ever thought the number one oligarch was ever on the side of the legacy population of America, much less so when the real-estate Zio clown himself is on record wanting any client group other than Americans of European descent. Greater Zionia first, White America last, that was the exoteric message of the Trump campaign, and the backing of mass media behind it should have cued anyone in that it was serious. Same old Republicans as they always have been. As for Elon he only bought Twitter to keep whatever version of PRISM that is ongoing fed with data collection and taps, he's entrenched with the American deepstate and entirely beholden to jewish finance.This is your regular card-carrying member of the MIGA movement, and yes, this is a lesbian jew, formerly a transsexual, and not just a jew, but one of those dual citizenship Zios. She jumped ship from the Democrats when it became clear that the Democrats had taken the anti-colonial/oppression rhetoric too far, it had become an issue for continued total support of Israel's genocides and conquests in the Middle-East, and the niggers had started to get a bit uppity towards their jewish masters.I'm not sure why streetshitters are their favored new golem, maybe it's because they're the sort of degenerated post-racial jungle societal collapse kind of person they want the new American to be like, clever enough to rub two rocks together, but not dangerous and ever worshipful of the kike master inbred race. Maybe it's the shit in the street part, jews are the scatologically obsessed race after all. Doesn't matter, the end result is the same, ZOG would rather have America collapse than to even lift a finger for the White voting base of the Republican party, most of the time there is active hostility towards it.
"amerikāņu" nozīmē - (arī) pie mums
Posted by gnidrologs on 2024.12.28 at 23:19
Everyone except White people is allowed to have a collective racial identity.
Everyone except White people is allowed to celebrate their history and heritage.
Everyone except White people is allowed to show in-group preference.
I wonder (((who))) could be responsible for implanting these ideas so firmly into American politics and culture.
Posted by gnidrologs on 2024.12.28 at 21:36
Ultracionžīdēns nr19 satrakojies ne pa jokam. Pie tam bez saprotama iemesla. Vecāki, paslēpiet bērnus.
Posted by neraate on 2024.12.28 at 14:05
piezvanīja man atkal viens onkulītis no svētceļojuma palicis mantojumā. katru reizi svētkos apsveic. pastāstīja i par svēto Šarbelu (brr) i par izsūtījumu parunājām, tie stāsti ir zelta vērti, bet man nav resursu pierakstīt
Posted by gnidrologs on 2024.12.23 at 12:07
national socialism for me, but not for thee
Posted by gnidrologs on 2024.12.18 at 19:50
Posted by neraate on 2024.12.18 at 14:24
piezvanīja man ķipa lietišķā sakarā viena sieviete. visa tāda uzvilkusies, sajūta drusku tāda kā skolas direktora kabinetā 'kāpēc jūs domājat, ka?'
es saprotu, ka darbs ar cilvēkiem ir grūts un cilvēki ir visādi, bet tagad drusku nožēloju, ka tikai izteiksmīgi klusēju nevis palūdzu lai nepaaugstina balsi
Posted by udensroze in pajautaa on 2024.12.18 at 11:26
Lidojam ar airbaltic pirmo reizi nemot lidzi ari kalnu sleposanas ekipejumu. Man tas slepes un zabaki savas somas vel kautka ipasji ir jaasapako, lai otra gala sanemtu nesalauztas un nesaskrapetas? Slepju soma aplam plana - tiit salles apkart, vai ka?
Lidz sim ar auto sleposhanas inventars vests, pilnigi jauna pieredze sogad planota