- Tomēr
- 5/2/12 07:41 pm
Nē, siltumnīca tomēr nekur nepazūd -- rīt tajā pašā laikā (nutadatlaidīsvienreizbeidzotpaīstamko, ^^ nebrīnīšos) -- tāpat kā sāpes pirkstos (kuras kosmosa noteiktā kārtībā pāriet, tikai tos intensīvi nodarbinot)
National Geographic tematiskā WWII nedēļa. Katru vakaru līdz bezjēgai piesūcinu ķermeni ar ūdeni, skatoties lv frenzy laikos iekrājušās filmas (pa vienai divās trīs dienās, vajadzētu kaut kad uzrakstīt, bet ar lg grūti noformēt), telefonā blekmetāla pārsvaru organiski nomainījis dark electro un harsh ebm (darba vajadzībām/radio rezistancei), mājās vakaros (pēdējos) dominē Otto Dix, tomēr bezbožna skaista mūzika vietām
Нам подарят утешение
Белая фея, зелённая фея
Исцеление, успокоение
И грехов всех отпущение- Music: Otto Dix
- 10 complimentsLeave a compliment
- 5/10/12 11:34 am
hey is this what you want from me?
ohh that isn’t enough now bleed
but i said no, but i said no this isn’t what i want
no, am i that far gone? am i that far gone?
am i that far gone? am i that far gone?
trying to undo this belief that brought you unto me
as i wait in the ashes so patiently
the struggle to be freed, the times you left me
i will never be alone more peacefully
i take away what makes you strong
i feed the weak with what i want
and though i failed i still have learned
a new found me is who i serve
hey is this what you want from me?
ohh that isn’t enough now bleed
but i said no, but i said no this isn’t what i want
no, am i that far gone? am i that far gone?
am i that far gone? am i that far gone?
the beast is speaking the devils greeting
the beast is speaking the devils greeting
trying to undo this belief that brought you unto me
as i wait in the ashes so patiently
the struggle to be freed, the times you left me
i will never be alone more peacefully
i take away what makes you strong
i feed the weak with what i want
and though i failed i still have learned
a new found me is who i serve
trying to undo this belief that brought you unto me
as i wait in the ashes so patiently
the struggle to be freed, the times you left me
i will never be alone more peacefully
i take away what makes you strong
i feed the weak with what i want
and though i failed i still have learned
a new found me is who i serve
the beast is speaking the devils greeting
the beast is speaking the devils greeting - Reply
- 5/10/12 11:37 am
Es gan uzskatu, ka HATE nevis Hey, bet hey, tā saka darklyrics.com
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- 5/10/12 11:37 am
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