Tikai vājie nav vieni, dzied tie, kas vēlas nakti. Vai tava mīla ir kā sens, nokaltis koks?
Vai jauns, vārguļojošs dzinums? Kas notiek ar asniem, kuru ir tik daudz?
Lēnāk, pasaule, tu dod gaismu un ūdeni,
Bet dižumam ir vajadzīga telpa
Viss ir redzams
Virs zemes, debesīs un internetā
Posted on 2011.11.30 at 07:01Doom: Slow, Love, Slow
Mūza: Nightwish
Labrīt Atļaujiet notīrīt jūsu ekrānu Aiz manis sākas vakardiena, | ||
p.s. nekad neesmu bijis Nightwish fauns, gadus desmit vspār ignorēju, taču jauno klausos jau otru rītu pēc kārtas un ļoti patīk. Vilku caur santech
Posted on 2011.11.24 at 00:28Doom: Netherloft
Mūza: Almaveda
Cik var pukstēt, ja visu laiku kāds piesienas? Vai, teiksim, izrādīt iecietību/pretimnākšanu, ja ar savu ierobežoto izpratni tevī nepārtraukti meklē nekonsekvences? Tad es aizeju uz Tumblr, jo tur var darīt, ko grib, un neviens neskatās, atdzīvināju nedaudz netherloft [12 puksti dienā: patīk, bet neder anathemantrai], tomēr kaut kādas bildes tāpat likšu te pavisam noteikti subjektīvi, pēc noskaņojuma, pa vienai, trim, kolāžās, un kādas patīk, ar/bez lj-cut pēc estētiskās vajadzības, reizēm arī randomā, like, fuck u, i'm a dragon :::]
netherloft : archive
Serpenta Tantra
Posted on 2011.11.21 at 12:47Doom: A°F
Mūza: Terroritmo
Atļaujiet vēl nedaudz paturpināt šo ē "mākslu"
Trīs baisus pūķus
Posted on 2011.11.14 at 09:22Doom: Pesteļojam
Mūza: Dzelzs Vilks
Pan Theia Narnia
Posted on 2011.11.13 at 23:27Doom: Sublimācija
Mūza: Alamaailman Vasarat
Likās, ka esmu redzējis visas Kitelsena bildes (jaunība, burzums tomēr un tā), bet jau kārtējo reizi no jauna uzdūros līdz šim nemanītai:
Theodor Kittelsen* Heksen (Troldskab, 1916)
* visu zināmo darbu kolekcija tīmeklī, troļļu un purvjamošķu mīlētājiem ļoti
(Kāpēc mani komentē tikai meitenes? Neesmu taču nekāds loop)
Es drīkstu uzlikt dziesmu? Nepiestāv, bet idejiski:
Mother Destruction - To Odr (Hagazussa, 1998)
^ lūk, arī atbilde, kā viduklis, roka un bunga ir pie šī puksta lietotajā lietotājbildē ^<>^
p.s. Dziesma ir arī vienā baigi labā Elektro//Folk izlasē :]
Posted on 2011.10.02 at 19:31Doom: Storm
Mūza: Falkenbach
“There is no escape. You can’t be a vagabond and an artist and still be a solid citizen, a wholesome, upstanding man. You want to get drunk, so you have to accept the hangover. You say yes to the sunlight and pure fantasies, so you have to say yes to the filth and nausea. Everything is within you, gold and mud, happiness and pain, the laughter of childhood and the apprehension of death. Say yes to everything, shirk nothing. Don’t try to lie to yourself. You are not a solid citizen. You are not a Greek. You are not harmonious, or the master of yourself. You are a bird in the storm. Let it storm! Let it drive you! How much have you lied! A thousand times, even in your poems and books, you have played the harmonious man, the wise man, the happy, the enlightened man. In the same way, men attacking in war have played heroes, while their bowels twitched. My God, what a poor ape, what a fencer in the mirror man is — particularly the artist — particularly myself!” |
Tāds kā Black Metal
Posted on 2011.09.16 at 17:08Doom: Nāk miegs
Mūza: Cruachan
Posted on 2011.07.02 at 17:00Doom: Merry part
Mūza: Darkspace
Raganisks posts par godu Hekatei!
1. Dievinu Džonu Viljamu Voterhausu.
2. Dziesma: Apoptose - Hexenring
( recenzija par dziesmu )
p.s. par projektu uzzināju, pateicoties igauņiem.
Posted on 2011.02.14 at 11:44Doom: -20
Mūza: Ataraxia
[ B-52 Bone Yard by Alex MacLean ]
“Interest, interesse, means to be among and in the midst of things, or to be at the center of a thing and to stay with it. But today’s interest accepts as valid only what is interesting, and interesting is the sort of thing which can freely be regarded as indifferent the next moment, and be displaced by something else, which then concerns us just as little as what went before. Many people think that they are doing something a great favor by finding it interesting. The truth is that such an opinion has already relegated the interesting thing to the ranks of what is indifferent and soon boring.”
— Martin Heidegger, What is Called Thinking?