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@ 2015-05-22 02:49:00

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Mūzika:The Beauty Of Gemina - A Stranger To Tears: Colours Of Mind
Entry tags:annoyance-fuel, brains, idtimwytim, thoughts

To everyone talking about how the human brain is the most complex object in the Universe: Stop that. It’s not. An equivalent amount of completely random molecular combinations is far more complex. The most complex mathematically possible thing is an infinitely long string of random bits. The most complex arrangement of matter is hot gas. Raw complexity doesn’t do very much.

Belief update: I’m starting to think that the “complexity” in question might actually be [closer to] complexity-compressible-by-observer, à la Schmidhuber. In this revised version the original claim might still be an overstatement but at least it makes actual technical sense (and the new hypothesis seems to justify and uplift to precision my initial one, namely that the sentence actually translates to “brains are very impressive”).

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2015-05-22 17:10 (saite)
To visu es saprotu (un droši vien, ka tieši tas arī parasti tiek domāts, runājot par smadzenēm kā kaut ko ūberkompleksu), bet tieši tas arī ir annoyance fuel, līdzīgi, kā ar "tā taču ir tikai teorija", kad runa ir par, well, teorijām.

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