Human is the awkward liminal phase between animal and machine


28515 0105

Functional programmer: (noun) One who names variables “x”, lists of variables “xs”, functions “fx”, and code patterns “Kleisli arrow”, “generalised catamorphism”, “natural transformation”, and “monad” (which is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors of some X, with product replaced by composition of endofunctors and unit set by the identity endofunctor). ‪#‎HaHaOnlySerious‬

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State: working
Sound: Autoclav1.1 - Embark On Departure: Lights Out

22515 0249

To everyone talking about how the human brain is the most complex object in the Universe: Stop that. It’s not. An equivalent amount of completely random molecular combinations is far more complex. The most complex mathematically possible thing is an infinitely long string of random bits. The most complex arrangement of matter is hot gas. Raw complexity doesn’t do very much.

Belief update: I’m starting to think that the “complexity” in question might actually be [closer to] complexity-compressible-by-observer, à la Schmidhuber. In this revised version the original claim might still be an overstatement but at least it makes actual technical sense (and the new hypothesis seems to justify and uplift to precision my initial one, namely that the sentence actually translates to “brains are very impressive”).

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State: working
Sound: The Beauty Of Gemina - A Stranger To Tears: Colours Of Mind

12515 2115

Varētu pablogot par sliktu* neirozinātni, bet vai kāds to lasīs?


*Ir aizdomas, ka blogošana par nesliktu, ar izšķirtspēju, kas ir augstāka par konspektiem un pie mana pašreizējā rakstītprasmes līmeņa, varētu būt interesanta gk. tiem, kas jau tāpat lasa pašus papīrus.

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State: awake
Sound: In Slaughter Natives - Insanity & Treatment: Cut Me Here
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