meness_berns ([info]meness_berns) rakstīja,
@ 2023-09-18 10:10:00

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Nu nav tā, ka mūsdienās internets zina visu. Es iegūglēju "why there is no pubic hair in bosch's garden of earthly delights" un nedabūju nevienu (!) atbildi, pat ne apšaubāmu. Miljardiem ļaužu un nevienu nav interesējusi tik acīmredzama anomālija. :(

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2023-09-18 14:20 (saite)
māksīgais robots man sniedza šādu atbildi:

The absence of pubic hair in Hieronymus Bosch's painting "The Garden of Earthly Delights" could be attributed to the artistic conventions and sensibilities of the time in which the painting was created. The painting was completed around 1490 to 1510 during the Northern Renaissance period, and during this time, artists often idealized and stylized their subjects. They may have omitted certain anatomical details, like pubic hair, for aesthetic or symbolic reasons.

Furthermore, the painting is known for its fantastical and surreal elements, and Bosch used symbolism extensively. The absence of pubic hair may have been a deliberate artistic choice to emphasize the otherworldly and symbolic nature of the work.

Artistic depictions of the human body, including pubic hair, have varied greatly throughout history and across cultures, reflecting societal norms and artistic conventions of the time. Bosch's painting, with its unique and imaginative imagery, remains a subject of fascination and interpretation in art history.

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2023-09-18 15:43 (saite)
Jā, varbūt AI taisnība. Man gan liekas, ka tieši 16. gs sākums nevarētu būt brīdis, kad "sensibility of the time" bija par labu kaut kādam brazilian bikini.

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