Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2015-08-18 11:14:00

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bet nopietni, kur ir cilvēku dubultvārdu ideja
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bērni taču pēc tam mulst no paša elementārākā, kā viņus īsti sauc, izvēlas sev vienu no abiem vārdiem - pēc tam sāk mulst jau vecāki

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2015-08-18 11:33 (saite)
No kurienes ideja? No domas par to, ka, ja nosauc bērnīnu kāda bagāta onkuļa vārdā, onkulis atmet mantojumu. :) Ja nosauc vairāku onkuļu vārdos, iespējas dabūt mantojumu palielinās.
"When he was born I wanted to call him St. Clair . . . it sounds SO aristocratic, doesn't it? But his father insisted he should be called Jacob after his uncle. I yielded, because Uncle Jacob was a rich old bachelor. And what do you think, Miss Shirley? When our innocent boy was five years old Uncle Jacob actually went and got married and now he has three boys of his own."

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