man liekas, ka visbailīgākā šausmu filma, kādu esmu redzējis, ir 1982.gada the thing (rimeiku neesmu skatījies)
šis čuvaks tomēr ieliek svešajiem:

un, ja svešie, kurus skatījos spēcīgā jaunībā videosalonā, vairāk paņēma uz nesagatavotību un ātrumu
tad the thing tieši uz vizuālo
un arī pēc storīlaina daudzreiz krutāka
My God, what was happening to him?
If it had any more time to finish... in just one minutes or two, it would have looked and sounded and acted just like Bennings!
I don't know what you're saying.
That wasn't Bennings. It was one of those things out there, trying to imitate him, Garry. Come on.
MacReady, I know Bennings, I've known him for ten years. He's my friend.
We've gotta burn the rest of him.