Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2012-01-10 22:12:00

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man liekas, ka visbailīgākā šausmu filma, kādu esmu redzējis, ir 1982.gada the thing (rimeiku neesmu skatījies)
šis čuvaks tomēr ieliek svešajiem:

un, ja svešie, kurus skatījos spēcīgā jaunībā videosalonā, vairāk paņēma uz nesagatavotību un ātrumu
tad the thing tieši uz vizuālo
un arī pēc storīlaina daudzreiz krutāka

Garry: My God, what was happening to him?
MacReady: If it had any more time to finish... in just one minutes or two, it would have looked and sounded and acted just like Bennings!
Garry: I don't know what you're saying.
MacReady: That wasn't Bennings. It was one of those things out there, trying to imitate him, Garry. Come on.
Garry: MacReady, I know Bennings, I've known him for ten years. He's my friend.
MacReady: We've gotta burn the rest of him.

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2012-01-11 11:13 (saite)
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