Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2009-04-02 18:49:00

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tikmēr asi nosodu svenskteroru par to, ka zviedrijā tomēr ir pieņēmuši antipirātisma likumu, bet viņš neko par to mums neziņo

The same day a new antipiracy law went into effect in Sweden, Internet traffic took a dive and five audio book publishers went after an alleged illegal file sharer in court.

The so-called IPRED law, which went into effect Wednesday, requires Internet service providers to reveal subscribers' Internet Protocol addresses to copyright holders in cases where a court finds ample evidence of illegal activity.

As of 2 p.m. local time Wednesday in Sweden, Internet traffic was down about 30 percent from the day before, according to Computer Sweden (in Swedish). The average traffic over Netnod, a company that measures most of the Internet traffic access points between Swedish and international networks, was 80Gbps Wednesday compared to Tuesday's 120Gbps. Traffic had been steady the previous week.

domāju, pienācis laiks iegādāties pāris resnus HD un sākt uztarīties pa īstam :)

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2009-04-02 20:14 (saite)
tie tak koruptējas citos veidos.

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2009-04-02 20:18 (saite)
tas gan

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