Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2009-02-19 14:52:00

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obļe, lasu, kā te domā aplikt interneta daunloudus ar 4% nodokli:

NEW YORK (AFP) — New York Governor David Paterson has proposed a tax on Internet downloads, a spokesman said Monday, in a move that has raised eyebrows because it could apply to everything from software to pornography.

man liekas, ka tā ir ļoti pareiza un prātīga ideja
nokačāji no interneta gigabaitu pornogrāfijas - esi tik laipns, 40 MB atdod valstij

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2009-02-19 18:06 (saite)
un cieto disku cenā arī, ja pareizi atceros.

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