Agnese ([info]magic_raddish) rakstīja,
@ 2009-12-07 22:06:00

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Es raktu eseju bez visādiem latīnismiem un man tas atgādina tevi...
2009-12-08 00:53 (saite)
In March 2008 Foreign Minister of the republic of Serbia Vuk Jeremić stated that Serbia will seek for International Court of Justice opinion on whether the unilateral declaration of Kosovo independence was a breach of international law. A single country can not file a case to ICJ. Serbia needed either the UN Security Council or the General Assembly to do that. In October 2008 Serbia was supported by 77 countries and the General Assembly asked ICJ an advisory opinion on the Declaration of Kosovo independence. The full title of the case is Accordance with International Law of the Unilateral Declaration of Independence by the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of Kosovo (Request for Advisory Opinion). The main subject is territory of Kosovo which is both claimed to be an integral part of Republic of Kosovo and Republic of Serbia. This case is special because it is the first time when a unilateral secession is brought to ICJ.

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Re: Es raktu eseju bez visādiem latīnismiem un man tas atgādina tevi...
2009-12-08 17:33 (saite)
ēm, man nav laika tā īsti iedziļināties bet ICJ prasības var sniegt starptautisko tiesību subjekti, bet ja Kosovai trūkst valsts pazīmes un tā nav slēgusi starptautiskus līgumus, kas parādītu tās starptautisko tiesībsubjektību, tad ir pareizi ka ICJ nepieņem nekādas prasības no tās.

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Re: Es raktu eseju bez visādiem latīnismiem un man tas atgādina tevi...
2009-12-08 21:54 (saite)
IJC var iesniegt tikai UN body... Tas ir Security Council, General Assembly vai kaut kā tā.

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Re: Es raktu eseju bez visādiem latīnismiem un man tas atgādina tevi...
2009-12-08 22:24 (saite)
tu esi droša, jo man izskatās, ka valstis arī var iesniegt prasības, cik nu es te skatos Statute of the International Court of Justice re ku sākot no 34 panta tiesas kompetence.

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