mizantropei наплевать ([info]ledene_) rakstīja,
@ 2012-01-17 22:01:00

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A metaphorical boner! - tikai tā es varu raksturot to prieka sajūtu, kāda rodas, kad lasu patiesi aizraujošu grāmatu, piemēram, šovakar no userinfopunkts  aizlienēto Rick Strassman - DMT:The Spirit Molecule.

Intervija ar DMT lietotāju:

'Yes. I'll be a guru after this morning. You know how everyone's quest is to find the meaning or the purpose of life? Well, it's to feel this way. Life doesn't cut it normally.'
'What do you mean?'
'Everything about life. It's not very empowering. You aren't tought to focus on yourself. To realize the strenght you have in yourself. Life throws you into victim role. I know that's a trite expression, but I think it's true. Things do happen when you're out of control with your life. These DMT experiences are like the height of meditation, accessing inner power and inner strenght. You know that question about "higher power or God"? Well, I'm uncomfortable with that idea because it implies outside, but I do contact something deeper and more inside...'

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2012-01-20 07:05 (saite)

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