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Viņa Gaišība

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Dienas citāts no reddita dzīlēm [Feb. 4th, 2025|08:35 am]

The U.S. Treasury has granted Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) full access to the federal payment system, allowing his team to oversee financial transactions related to Social Security, Medicare, and government contractors. This unprecedented move has massive implications- it hands a billionaire direct influence over critical government operations with little oversight, raising concerns about corporate capture, data privacy, and national security.

Given Musk’s extensive business interests and foreign ties, this access creates serious conflicts of interest, as well as the risk of government functions being privatized under the guise of “efficiency.” A top Treasury official resigned over the decision, signaling internal pushback, but the fact that this was allowed to happen at all exposes just how much power billionaires have over public institutions. This is yet another example of how capitalism prioritizes the ultra-rich over ordinary people, eroding democracy and concentrating control into the hands of a few.

That being said, this situation is unprecedented. So the unanswered questions are actually more important than the questions that can be answered- such as:

How is it acceptable that a billionaire with extensive private business interests is given full access to the U.S. Treasury's federal payment system? What safeguards, if any, are in place to prevent Elon Musk from using this access to benefit himself or his companies? Why is there no public oversight or transparency over how this decision was made? What does this say about corporate influence over government operations? If a single billionaire can gain control over sensitive financial data, can we really call this a democracy?  

What are the implications of someone with Musk’s business ties- including connections to foreign governments and investors- having access to federal financial infrastructure? Why do politicians and media figures who cry about "national security threats" from TikTok remain silent about this? Is this just another example of selective outrage that serves corporate interests?  

How does this affect data privacy for everyday Americans? Should we be concerned that Musk, who already owns a massive share of the U.S. communication infrastructure (Twitter/X, Starlink), now has insight into Social Security, Medicare payments, and government contracts? Given his track record of erratic leadership and favoritism toward right-wing interests, what are the risks of this data being misused?  

What does this mean for public institutions? If Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) is gaining control over financial systems under the guise of “efficiency,” is this just another attempt to privatize essential government functions? When has billionaire-led privatization ever actually benefited the working class? Should we be bracing for job cuts, deregulation, and austerity measures that only serve the ultra-rich?  

How does this fit into the broader struggle between the billionaire class and the working class? Why is the government prioritizing giving a billionaire unchecked power while millions of Americans struggle with debt, rent increases, and lack of affordable healthcare? If the U.S. government is so quick to hand Musk power, why is it unwilling to take any of his wealth to fund social programs? How much more power will billionaires accumulate before people realize we are living under oligarchic rule?
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[Feb. 4th, 2025|07:42 am]

Salgales pagasta iedzīvotāji protestē pret krematorijas celtniecību.
Slovēnijas valdība apņemas atbrīvot vistas.
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[Feb. 3rd, 2025|09:34 pm]

omg, manam kaķim garšo jūraszāļu uzkodas! nograuza kā pasaules gardāko delikatesi.
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[Feb. 3rd, 2025|12:51 pm]

Cik skalā no 1 līdz ADHD būtu tas, ja krāmējot somu, es uz maisiņiem sāktu rakstīt, kam tur ir jābūt iekšā? Piemēram, viens maisiņš ir domāts dušas dvielim un šampūnam, bet citā ir jābūt saitēm, pulsometram, matu gumijai un pulkstenim. Es neesmu baigi izklaidīgs, bet nav tā, ka par šādām lietām gribās iespringt, un kaut ko nepaņemt ir diezgan besīgi. Ja tie, piemēram, ir šorti, tad mazliet vairāk kā vienkārši besīgi.
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[Feb. 3rd, 2025|09:09 am]


rosola/rasola projekts turpinās.
vakar pirmo reizi gatavoju un ēdu tādu, kurā ir siļķe.
dzīvesbiedrs ierosināja daduz netaisīt, ja nu nebūšot ēdams.
bet ēdams bija gan, un pat ļoti garšīgs. no līdz šim izmēginātajām, man vakardienas recepte patika vislabāk.
gaņau, tur ne tikai siļķe, bet arī sālītie gurķi pie teikšanas.
"ejam cauri grāmatai" publicēto recepšu secībā.
nākamo gan nāksies izlaist, līdz kamēr dabūšu savās ķepiņās kādu stirnas gaļas gabalu.
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