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German sign: "Refugee aid only for non-whites"
Published March 25, 2022 at 7:58 p.m.
Swedish journalist Egor Putilov has published pictures of how the refugee organizations openly conduct racial discrimination in Berlin. To be offered help, you must be non-white or have an LGBTQ background, according to a sign.
- "Support for people of color" is written on the sign that shows the way to the organization's staff and below it is a Pride flag with the text: "Support".
Egor Putilov writes:
- "Strange view of the Hauptbahnhof in Berlin today. It is very crowded. Ukrainian women, children and the elderly have to wait for hours for help - but at the same time there is dedicated staff and a quick file for 'people of color' - ie African students & migrants fleeing Ukraine ".
u wot nigga? Rietumeiropas superiorā izglītības sistēma

vēlreiz Rietumu superiōrā izglītības sistēma. daži cibiņi nevarētu vien sagaidīt tik
brangu izglītību pie mums

izglītība, zinātne un tehniskais progress, nevis kaut kādas tur tradicionālās vērtības - glorious

ZTP+ateisms@work spēj radīt demonisku apsēstību. Apakšā viģiks ar Magnusa Hiršfelda (tā paša, kura grāmatas dedzināja naciķi) tipa "medicīnas" brīnumiem. NSF veselajam saprātam.