gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2022-01-06 01:14:00

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Viena lieta, kuru es ne visai skaidrā skatoties mazliet palaidu garām:

Not just that, but the stronk wymbyn Jennifer Lawrence is depicted as the genius who, despite being a student with no experience, is way smarter and sassier than her professor (because of course) and discovers the comet, and is then ignored by everyone because wymbyn and misogymy.

Šādas propagandas dēļ arī daudzi cibiņi tic tam, kam tic, ignorējot realitāti un uzmeklējot wiki/women_scientists_list kā "pierādījumu" kārtējās debatēs par un ap mizofemo.

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2022-01-06 19:52 (saite)
Čau, normij.

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2022-01-07 09:39 (saite)
Доброе утро, последний герой!

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