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@ 2021-11-04 20:38:00

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čota darbaļaudis vairs par sociālistiem nevēlas vēlēt - ņeporjadoček, odnako, need fix

hurr durr

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2021-11-05 13:21 (saite)
“The main issue was rights,” Durr said, via phone. “People talk about how New Jersey has the highest taxes, and we’re the worst state for business, with high debt, and so on, but bottom line is rights. It’s family.

“When somebody’s messing with your family, you’ll do anything,” he said. “The governor was messing with people’s families. When you mess with somebody’s job, their livelihood, their home, their children — people just won’t take that.”

Durr said that New Jersey’s harsh coronavirus policies had helped create a “perfect storm” that made his victory possible.

“It was the combination of a governor who acts like a king, and a senate president who acts like a court jester, and does nothing. That made it very easy to convince people they were not being paid attention to. And when they got ignored, they got angry.”

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2021-11-05 18:53 (saite)
Viņš pārāk naivi izsakās. Cilvēki netika ignorēti. Cilvēki tiek speciāli plāveidīgi apstrādāti. Atņemtas pilsoniskas tiesībās, atņemti autonomi iztikas līdzekļi, viss mākslīgi sadārdzināts, ierindas cilvēki tiek sadzīti kolhoza ekvivalentā, viņu bērni tiek izņemti no ģimenēm un ievietoti oktōbrēnu/pionieru/komjaunieši lēģeros.
Tas ir pilnīgi pretēji ignorēšanai, bet es saprotu kāpēc tiek lietota šāda maiga retorika.

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2021-11-05 19:05 (saite)
Viņš jau atvainojās par pārāk stipriem izteicieniem pret islāmu.

Tur gan komentē, ja tos kritiķi būtu atrakuši ātrāk, tad viņš dabūtu vēl vairāk balsu :)

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“When somebody’s messing with your KIDS, you’ll do anything,”
2021-11-05 20:11 (saite)

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