gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2021-07-22 23:34:00

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not a day without cohencidence
Jewish Intellectuals Call On Gays To Perform Sex Acts In Front Of Children
Joseph J. Fischel, a Jewish queer theorist at Yale, recently published a piece in Boston Review arguing that performing perverted homosexual acts in front of children is important because it teaches them to reject racism, sexism and homophobia, as well introducing them to visual stimuli he hopes will arose them.

In the essay, he dismisses concerns that performing sex acts in front of children brought to "Pride" by their homosexual parents is wrong because they can't "consent." According to Fischel, this perspective is "racist" and "bad for children." He refers to writings by transsexual blue check Julia Serrano, who states that people wearing wedding rings and publicly expressing right-wing political beliefs violate its consent, and so nobody has a right to demand that "kink" and public sodomy be banned from gay parades.

To build his argument from a legal standpoint, Fischel relies on Brenda Cossman, Stuart Green, Richard Posner and Joel Feinberg -- all of them Jewish academic legal theorists -- who argue that public sex acts in front of unsuspecting people are no more offensive than racist or "offensive" political speech, and that the distinction between private and public behavior is arbitrary, heteronormative, and should be done away with.

Just like in the old times, eh.

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2021-07-23 02:36 (saite)
man no šāda temata gribas novērsties, ne jau tāpēc, ka piekrītu un tik uz priekšu, bet vienkārši reāli nejūtos kompetents runāt par pišanos dirsā bērnu priekšā. nesaprotu kas tas ir par sabiedrības slāni un kur tas rodas

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2021-07-23 13:17 (saite)
ir cilvēki, kuri grib - jo groteskāk, jo labāk.

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2021-07-23 19:08 (saite)
Kompetenču izglītība šos robus izglītībā aizpildīs :)

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