gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2021-01-05 19:47:00

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Since I am not a scientist, I honestly don’t know if COVID is grossly overblown or not, if lockdowns are truly necessary or not, if masks work or not, or if these vaccines are safe or not. What I do know is that society took a sharp and abrupt turn towards a totalitarian world government this year, in every single way possible.

First, the pandemic drastically altered the role and the functioning of local and national governments. Indeed, as soon as the virus left China, nearly every government body on Earth nominated a “health czar” who was in charge of COVID-related policies. These non-elected individuals openly based their policies on the guidelines set by the World Health Organization, an appendage of the United Nations (the main source of funding of the WHO since the U.S. withdrew its support: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation).

Therefore, a direct pipeline was created between the United Nations (a supra-national organization) and local health czars while bypassing duly elected governments. Through these non-elected, WHO-backed czars, a long list of unprecedented measures and restrictions were imposed on the world. And, whether it was intentional or not, these measures appear to be custom-made to weaken, impoverish and demoralize populations on a massive scale.

None of this would have been possible without the complete collaboration of mass media which engaged in a massive campaign of fear and terror while suppressing any opinion or information that was not in line with the elite’s agenda.

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2021-01-07 14:45 (saite)
Nu Anglijā, piemēram, tā jau tos lēmumus arī pieņem. Ir zinātnieku grupa, kas saka, ka vajag lokdaunu, un pēc tam valdība par viņu nobalso. Vakar tikai kaut kādi padsmit no simtiem parlamentā nobalsoja 'Pret', visi pārējie 'Par' Tas, ka Latvijā nav, visticamāk vienkārši nozīmē, ka latvieši ir nenovīdīgi un pohujistiski, nevis kaut kādi totalitārie masterminds.

Es vienkārši domāju, ka visiem besī lokdauns un nevienam negribas tupēt mājās vai vakcinēties ar kārtīgi neiztestētu poti, bet tajā pašā laikā, visi aptuveni saprot, ka neko nedarīt būtu diezgan grēcīgi un nihilistiski.

Pie tā, ka nav ārstu vai zinātnieku, kas spētu piedāvāt konkrētus risinājumus, kas ir labāki un efektīgāki, jau nevienu nevar vainot - cilvēce vēl nav sasniegusi tādu gudrības pakāpi. Es domāju tas ir wishful thinking, ka kaut kāds obscure, pašpārliecināts ārsts pasaka, ka viņa īpaši izdomātā metode jau nu gan visu uzlabos, kamēr visticamāk tā metode būs tik pat lame un neefektīga kā lokdauni un viss pārējais.

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