gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2020-06-11 08:51:00

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tiem, kas vēl ar vien tic, ka atalsta populāru revolūciju
Rockefeller Foundation Declares Support for Black Riots
Whether one calls it a “conspiracy,” “corporate planning and strategy,” or taking advantage of organically-unfolding circumstances, it amounts to the same end.

The misinformation that is being published by the Establishment news media, which seems uniformly to have been on the side of the rioters, have the groundwork prepared by think tanks who rationalize the rioting. For example, the Sentencing Project, which focuses on “racism” among police and justice departments, is funded by the Ford Foundation, Open Society Foundations, and the David Rockefeller Fund, among others. One might think that there are those among the far-Left, who imagine the revolution is at hand, who would give pause to think as to why the aforementioned Establishment media are so unanimously in favor of the rioters if it is an anti-Establishment revolt? However, that would necessitate the existence of critical faculties that have long since been etiolated by that media, along with the education system and entertainment industry. The production line zombie-Left is the result.

Raksts ir garš, bet jūs taču vēlaties "nuance and complexity". Vai tomēr nē.

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2020-06-11 11:27 (saite)
mani īstenībā besī tas blm fads kas pašlaik iet apkārt (cp77 speciālo preview pārcēla no 11 uz 25 dēļ tā, cdpr ir pārcentušies politiskajā korektumā),

bet tā antipropoganda kurai kājas aug no kremļa (t.i sovoka) mani nekad neuzrunās. es nesaku ka viss ir kremļa pirksts (roka), bet ja ir kaut kādi "geitss, g5 torņi, rokfelleri, deep state" utml tad sorry.

tu teiksi ka es visu pārāk nonivelēju līdz prastiem vārdiem un savā ziņā tā tas arī ir.

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2020-06-11 11:59 (saite)
Eh? Kādā veidā šim vispār sakars ar Kremli? Drīzāk jau Kremļa pirkst ir visādu vecu KGB atlieku, 'sleeper cells' darbība kreiso radikāļu organizācijās. Šis raksts nāk no tipiska amerikaņu konservatīvā saita. Savukārt izsekot dažādu aktīvo pasākumu un to organizējošo grupu finansējuma avotiem ir kinda no brainer. Es nezinu cik pareizi tur ir visi fakti, bet tas, ka notikumi ASV un Eiropā ne mazākajā mērā nav "tautas sacelšanās pret pastāvošo kārtību" ir pašsaprotami, tāpēc sekot līdzi šo pasākumu cēloņiem ir svarīgi un nekā sākotnēji konspiroloģiska tajā nav.

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