gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2020-01-25 22:37:00

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cilvēki ir teikuši, ka neinteresējos par šībrīža politikas ekonomisko pusi
globālisma ērā tās ir gaužām vienkārša un cilvēki, kas lepni žvadzinās ar marksismiem vai citiem ismiem, kas jakobi kritizē šī brīža Rietumu ekonomisko sistēmu, ir eneibleri

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2020-01-26 00:26 (saite)
Es interesējos un lasu. Bet ne jau tās muļķības no slikts.

Piemēram, šodien cītīgi lasīju:

Es saprotu, ka daļa tur ir spekulācijas, bet pamatā tas ir meinstrīma viedoklis un kritisks (ar to saprotot kā labo un slikto aspektu apskats) par kapitālismu.

Lai gan būtībā tas ir liels palags, tāpēc gluži visiem lasīt neieteiktu. Varbūt pietiek ar galvenajiem hailaitiem:

Par Vāciju:

“Unfortunately, the domestic German debate assumes, wrongly, that the answer is for every member to become like Germany itself. But Germany can be Germany – an economy with fiscal discipline, feeble domestic demand and a huge export surplus – only because others are not.” - That’s a good essay describing the conflict between Industrialism & Globalism in the Economist. They’re still good folks.


[3] Chasing money gets you both money and prestige. Chasing prestige gets you neither.


Limited immigration is preferable to competing for a job with immigrants willing to work harder and longer than the average American? (Wow there’s a lot of Google hits for “immigrants work harder”. Also, “hi!” from an immigrant!)


Now, that seemed strange to me at first because I remember reading a bunch from 2008 to 2013 about Quantitative Easing and how the Fed was “going to print a ton of money.”

And it seems like it’s true, they did “print a ton of money”:

But unlike the prophecies of talking cartoon bears, all this money didn’t drive inflation through the roof and crash the stock market. It doesn’t seem to have really gone…anywhere. It just hit the banks’ deposit reserves and sat there (right-hand graph above). Two trillion dollars, perhaps slowly winding its way down now, in excess of what banks are required by regulations to hold onto.

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