gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2019-10-27 19:36:00

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modernais totēmisms
But in practice, hedonism and anti-humanity are connected. Normally, for any healthy person, hedonist indulgence would be tied to repentance. Now, since modernists have done away with traditional religious authorities which try to explain explain sins and virtues they are just left with vague guilt and anxiety. The primitive human impulse is then to project this on some enemy, some scapegoat. In this case, it is "climate change", Donald Trump, et cetera.

The more they avoid their personal responsibility, the more they start projecting their negative emotions upon everything, until they consider the entirety of existence evil and unfair. Then they start destroying for others purely out of spite before finally killing themselves to escape it all (crucially because they can't stand the world, not because they can't stand themselves, which would be the sensible reason). Surely you see the connection between this personal development and Satanism/Gnosticism.

A non-hedonist modern person would likely not have the same psychological need for any outlets to their negative emotions, and would keep away from the worst excesses, just following along like an NPC. But as soon as they get burned by modernism or enlightened by a dissident, they could switch sides.

This is unlike the hedonist who is addicted to meaningless pleasure justified by modern hedonist ideology, which they will not abandon for this reason. I would not at all be surprised if the "extinction rebels" are exactly the same people who march in sex-fixated pride parades and catch STDs from Tinder.

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2019-10-29 10:12 (saite)
N bet bez tās nebūtu visas šitās stokholmas sindroma izpausmes, tipa kādi mēs krugom vainīgi un apspiedēji un kā visiem no mums pienākas un kā mums jānositas pret sienu

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2019-10-29 21:54 (saite)
Tā uzspiestā vaina, ko spiež mums virsū globālistu elite ir pilnīgi nesaistīta ar kristīgo teoloģiju un tiek veikta ar pilnīgu citu, es teiktu, antikristietisku motivāciju. Tā pat kā viss zem zātanisma, arī šeit ir runa par vērtību inversiju, apgriešanu kājām gaisā. Karš ir miers etc. Vaina un tās izpirkšana šeit nav saistīta ar indivīda dvēselisko stāvokli. Tā ir imitācija cilvēkiem, kuriem atņemts garīgums. Postkulturāls surogāts priekš postmoderna pleba, tiešu tāpēc ne tikai smieklīgs tā izpausmēs, bet arī absurds saturā.

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2019-10-29 22:40 (saite)
Nu man ir drusku citāda hipotēze par šitās huiņas izcelšanos bet nu neatkārtošos.

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