gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2019-09-10 13:41:00

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Viena lieta, kas fascinē far left salīdzināt manus viedokļus ar Islamu ir tas, ka musulmaņi ir daudz līdzīgāki galēji kreisajiem vienā supersvarīgā, cilvēka harakteru definējošā treitā - abiem nav humora izjūtas. Smiešanās par sevi ir aizliegta kanonā un satīra kā tāda nesaprotams jēdziens. Vai varat atrast kaut kur kādu muslim stand-up comedian vai dokumentus, kas parāda musulmaņu spēju smieties par savu ikdienu - visādus tur dadžus, anekdotes, kas iet no mutes uz muti, izklaides sfēru, kur ir smieklus izraisoši priekšnesumi? Nope. Viņi ir totally serious. More serious than serious cat. Apšauj franču Dadža redakciju par Muhamada bildīti. Tas pats ar SJW maniakiem. Viņus absolūti trigerē satīra un ņirgas par viņu kultūru. Tiktāl, ka viņi ir SAŠUTUMĀ par Onioan un Babylonbee internetā.
Tak iedzersim par to, lai mums nekad nezustu humōra izjūta!

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2019-09-20 11:26 (saite)
For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940)

“Don’t call me Don Roberto.”
“It is a joke. Here we say Don Pablo for a joke. As we say the Señorita Maria for a joke.”
“I don't joke that way,” Robert Jordan said. “Camarada to me is what all should be called with seriousness in this war. In the joking commences a rottenness.”
“Thou art very religious about thy politics,” the woman teased him. “Thou makest no jokes?”
“Yes. I care much for jokes but not in the form of address. It is like a flag.”
“I could make jokes about a flag. Any flag,” the woman laughed. “To me no one can joke of anything. The old flag of yellow and gold we called pus and blood. The flag of the Republic with the purple added we call blood, pus and permanganate. It is a joke.”
“He is a Communist,” Maria said. “They are very serious gente.”
“Are you a Communist?”
“No I am an anti-fascist.”

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