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@ 2019-08-29 21:49:00

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Reknowned Leftist author Alex Schulman's childhood home has become a mosque
Published August 28, 2019 at 11.03
DOMESTIC. Author Alex Schulman spent his summers in crisis-hit Filipstad. But now the grandparents' house in the municipality has been turned into a mosque.
Today, Mission Review's eminent feature of Filipstad is broadcast, which has been in a deep economic crisis since the municipality has received many immigrants.
The Swedish population is leaving, while the foreign is increasing.
Alex Schulman was named Filipstad's ambassador in 2019, and he says he is surprised by the city's resilience.
As a child, he spent the summers with his grandparents in Filipstad. Now that house has become a mosque.

- "I knocked on the door and it was empty, and so I went in because it was open. The whole grandfather's library where he had his 15,000 books was a prayer room with carpets. Finally, there came a person who showed me around a little. It was one of the strongest things I have been to, to see that all this stuff I grew up in now was turned into a mosque. It was very nice i should say", says Alex Schulman in SVT.

Atgādina no skatu no Laika Mašīnas filmas, kur eloji ieved savā 'bibliotēkā', kur visas grāmatas burtiski sairst galvenā varoņa acu priekšā, tām pieskaroties. Velss ar saviem elojiem/morlokiem vispār nejauši izrādījās pravietisks. Vai arī viņam jau bija zināms šāds stāsts no kādas citas vēstures.

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2019-08-29 22:39 (saite)
:D Tik tiešām!

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