Tas jaunais NPC mēms nav slikts. Iedarbīgs. Twatera Centrālā Cenzūras Komiteja laikam strādā overtaimu. Bano akauntus kā traki.
A Memetic Killshot: The NPC Meme
23 hours ago
The NPC meme is the best meme since Pepe. This thing has legs.
SJWs and generic unaffiliated shitlibs have two thermal exhaust ports:
they are most vulnerable to mockery which targets their fears of being
conformist suckups and of being unoriginal, predictable bores.
The NPC meme — a humanoid graphic which substitutes a blank ASCII face
for expressiveness, to which is attached standard neolib boilerplate —
is the sort of soulkilling reminder that the SJW hordes don’t think for
themselves and lean on digestible anti-White pabulum to help them feel
unique. It’s a clever repurposing of the autism slur to apply to social
media consumed leftoids who mouth late night talk show shibboleths
thinking it makes them renegades.
Once again, the fine volk at /pol/ earn the coveted Chateau Shiv of the Week for their NPC meme addition to the memescape.
PS How will you know the NPC meme has pierced shitlib vitals? By their wails of protest, of course: