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@ 2018-03-28 00:34:00

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interesants skats uz antisemītismu (būs jāpalasa Talmuds)

It depends with what you mean by anti-Semitism. Scientific anti-Semitism is a problem because it assumes Jewish behavior is a result of their genes. So we have people like Kevin McDonald and his "evolutionary" theory that Jews developed revolutionary traits and their "dual" morality as a survival mechanism. This is preposterous, for it implies that human morality is wholly relative for who's to say our universal morality is better than their dual morality in this paradigm where survival is the only true morality? And it is this type of thinking that served as the foundation of the racial politics of the Nazis. And it's not that Kevin McDonald is an evil Nazi himself, secretly plotting for the removal of the Jewish race from western society (which, according to this idea, is the only thing to be done). It's just the logical consequence of that type of thinking. Darwinism is essentially the chief ideology of the English and racism will always be found wherever this ideology reigns (on that note, it is worth pointing out that American racialism was actually more "scientific" than that of the Germans, the Nazis notwithstanding, precisely because Darwinism is a specific English phenomena).

No, Jews aren't what they are because of their "genes". There is an element in which their race contributes to this culture of critique they have been running on for almost two thousand years now, but this racial element is neither the cause nor is in itself evil, and indeed, this specific element is common among all Semites and both the Arabs and Middle Eastern Christians have been for most of their history devoid of any such revolutionary tendencies (E. Micheal Jones often likes to point out that race cannot be the chief factor in the Jewish rejection of Christ. To wit: all the early Christians were Jews!).

No, the problem with Jews is that they have developed a specific "racial" construct (note that race is not just a matter of genes. There is in fact such a thing as a spiritual race or race as an ideal or cultural construct) which has at its basis a theological construct, that being the rejection of Christ, and by extension the rejection of Logos (which is the source of all order in the universe, so to reject that is to become a revolutionary). You can see this plain as day in the Talmud, which even Schuon was forced to admit is not something a Christian can be asked to take lightly. Mosaicism, the religion of the law of Moses, had a right to continue after Christianity, and in some form it did, for this neo-Judaism Jews constructed during the Babylonian captivity still retains in part the spirit of the Torah (and keep in mind it is my belief that God never abandons his children, so this neo-Judaism must have been capable of leading pious Jews to God in some way, corrupted as it may be, much like Protestantism is still able to lead many to God despite being essentially a Christian heresy). But even so, there is something fundamentally wrong with the Talmud, and that is because it is a human work, containing no trace of divine inspiration, for what it says about Christ is without precedence. Look at how the Koran deals with Christ by comparison. There's simply no common measure. And of course, the primary purpose of the Talmud was simply that of keeping Jews away from becoming Christians. THAT is the specific purpose of it's anti-Christian and anti-gentile overtones, which, combined with the anti-Logos and "revolutionary" tendencies which had taken over Jewish culture at this time, forged this specific racial construct in which to be a Jew means to be anti-Logos AND anti-gentile. That is, it is a specific element of Jewish identity to attack Christians and Christian societies. This is why they have been kicked around from every country they have found themselves in. Not because everybody in the world just happens to be an anti-Semite (by some strange coincidence), but because Jews have actively and purposely attempted to subvert those countries, as part of their ideology. And they have been at this game for a LONG time.

To further aggravate the matter, Jews became secularized between the Enlightenment and the 19th century, so what was a theological cultural construct became a racial construct in the true sense. And it is at this time i think that the Jews abandoned any hope for a redeemer and decided to become their own Messiah, hence, all their utopic ideologies, from communism to modern l1brulism. Jews are here to help the world, even as they are in rebellion with everything and anything, and this dual combination is what's driving everything they do today. Jews are here to liberate you from the oppression of law and authority, from the oppression of family, from the oppression of human nature itself!

Meanwhile, Europeans also developed their own secular cultural identity based on the Enlightenment and subsequently the scientific revolution, which has led to this technological monstrosity we call modern civilization which Jews and their gentile liberal allies are now currently commandeering to abolish all order in the world.

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2018-03-28 19:14 (saite)
Anonīms čurbriks internetā. Jams ir liels entuziasts tamlīdzīgās tēmās, pielasījies simtiem pudu un šad tad izvirst ar saviem konspektiem. No viņa es, piemēram, pirmo reizi uzzināju par tādu pereniālismu.

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2018-03-30 00:16 (saite)
Par pereniālismu zināju. Tāpēc arī uzskatu, ka aiz muguras mums ir sena, sena vēsture, daudz senāka par to, ko esam spējuši apzināt. Un ka visam apakšā ir kaut kāda sistēma.

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2018-03-30 13:07 (saite)
Jap, apmēram tāds man radās iespaids pirmo reizi lasot fragmentus no Šuona. Tā lieta pat nav tikai tīri reliģiska, bet svarīga, lai saprastu cilvēces vēsturi kā tādu, varbūt pat mūsu izcelsmi. Šīs tēmas imo būtu interesantas pat ateistiem, ja viņi nav totāli aprobežoti dunduki kā dažs labs.

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2018-03-31 01:50 (saite)

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