gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2017-10-14 12:00:00

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Ļoti perfekts apraksts par globālismu un jebkādu globālu utopismu vispār. Iesaku paklausīties [info]ctulhu. Tas beisiklī ir mans viedoklis gudrāka cilvēka pasniegumā. Pie reizes labi integrēti ar mūsu mitosiem, kas pretēji ateistu viedoklim, nav gluži pasakas. Vismaz ne tādā formā, kā viņi domā. Tāpat kāpēc pazemība ir laba, un tieši tā pat, nav tas ko ateisti ar to saprot, kad viņus trigerē šis vārds no bibliskiem tekstiem.
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2017-10-14 12:12 (saite)
Labs komentārs pie tā viģika:
I feel like there is a universal "Theme" of things getting so big they must fail. All the early empires including Rome fell largely in part because they were too big (thank you high school history). Stars across the universe tend to grow larger near their death before exploding or collapsing. Even on the atomic level, larger elements of the Periodic Table are more susceptible to decay and collapse until you simply can't add any more subatomic particles to them. And I think our overconfidence in greatness is only asking for things to fail. The Titanic was too big to fail. The Banks and the Economy were too big to fail in the 1920s. A smaller job to work with is far more manageable then trying to build a rocket by yourself, a video game by yourself, a company by yourself. Thank you Peterson. I enjoy listening and contemplating these concepts new to me.

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