gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2016-12-03 14:11:00

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Mainstream media completely shutting this down with basically no inquiry does raise some alerts. Seriously, if anything similar involved a conservative or anti-establishment figure they would be all over it.

They try to take down Trump with much less. Infinitely less.

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2016-12-03 15:20 (saite)
Nezināju, bet zinu, ka Endrjū jau kādu laiku dzina pēdas Podestam un regulāri mēdza kaut ko teikt par viņu.
Kāpēc tas nešķiet pārsteidzoši - jo Klintones lokā, šķiet, tā jau ir ikdiena (un to arī atklāja Breitbārts)

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2016-12-03 15:29 (saite)
"GQ ranked James Alefantis as the 49th most powerful person in Washington partly on the basis of owning Comet Ping Pong and its cultural cachet" - nesaprotu, ko domāt.

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2016-12-03 17:01 (saite) :)))

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