gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2023-12-25 11:13:00

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instrukcijas no (((Centra))) nelika ilgi gaidīt :D

Par tiem, kam parasti pīzdiņa slapja šādos momentos:

Modern liberals will never consider the horrifying examples right before their eyes, because they operate on spite, and that's a more powerful drug than self-interest or self-preservation. There is no rational reason for migrant-hugging, not even from a traditional left-wing perspective. It is all negatives after negatives for society, with no benefits even in the short term. It is a self-destructive impulse. The new Polish government could just say "Okay, those previous guys were bad, but there will be zero migrants", and they could get away with it. But they will go full steam ahead into self-harm because that's what the crazed urban shitlib brigade wants, whether it is Warsaw, Prague, Budapest or Stockholm. It is the ultimate "Fuck you, Dad!" move by manchildren and disturbed women. There will be no rational discourse with them.

#enrichment #moarCrime #moarRape #PiedirstiBaseini

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2023-12-27 12:50 (saite)
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