Fjokla ([info]fjokla) rakstīja,
@ 2012-05-05 13:02:00

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Sakarā ar to, ka buss uz rēzekni nāca sprāgdams, dabūju nolūkoties aizejošam ludzas busam pakaļā un tagad akal sēžu uz Romas trepīti un man ir klade, Romas nav. Gribu palais kuģīti pa upi, bet māku izlocīt tikai kleinu ļoteni. Vaŗbūt kādz var soli pa solim aprakstīt? Nutur paņem lapu, pārloka turtaturta... Man noteikti sanāks, davāj.

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2012-05-05 13:32 (saite)
Ā, vai Tev jau laiks beidzas?

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2012-05-05 13:37 (saite)
Še, ir:
Take a piece of rectangular paper and place it in front of you so the paper is in portrait format - with the longer edges to the side. Fold it in half lengthwise so the top meets the bottom - with the fold at the "top" of the piece of paper.
Fold in to half width and unfold - this marks your center line.
Fold the top right corner down so the top edge lines up with the center line.
Flip over. Repeat. This should create a "house" like shape with a "big" roofline and about an inch of paper below the triangle of the roof
Fold bottom edge up. Flip over the paper.
Fold bottom edge up.
This makes a paper hat shape.
Grasp the hat shape in the center. Do this at the point where the diagonal creases meet.
Pull apart the paper and flatten. You should end up with a diamond-shaped piece of paper.
Fold the bottom edge up. Leave about a 1/4 of an inch (0.65 cm) border between the top edge and the edge of portion that has been folded-up. Once done, flip the paper over.
Fold the bottom edge to line up with the other side.
Hold the paper ship in the middle of the bottom edge. Pull it apart and flatten.
The paper should now be this strange shape.
Take the left and right triangular portions and pull apart. The bottom edge will flip up on its own.
Look at your creation: Your paper ship is now complete.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

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