aņa delovejevna ([info]deloveja_kundze) rakstīja,
@ 2007-07-20 22:19:00

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Mūzika:Stone Roses - i wanna be adored
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jā, man nav nekā labāka, ko darīt piektdienas vakarā :D

The Movie Of Your Life Is A Black Comedy

In your life, things are so twisted that you just have to laugh.
You may end up insane, but you'll have fun on the way to the asylum.

Your best movie matches: Being John Malkovich, The Royal Tenenbaums, American Psycho
If Your Life Was a Movie, What Genre Would It Be?

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2007-07-20 22:22 (saite)
bija jābūt film noir!!! es tūlīt arī šito izpildīšu tev par prieku!!

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