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@ 2024-12-06 11:50:00

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Spānija - failed state?
Pamanīju ziņās, ka Spānija sāk ļoti stingru kontroli tūristiem viesnīcās, prasot paplašinātus personas datus,

//Starting today, tourists arriving in Spain will have to provide more personal data to authorities. Information requested will include home address and their relationship to children travelling in the same party.//

man tas sagāja kopā ar

* Nesen dabūja katastrofālus plūdus ar upuriem, iespējamais iemesls - nojaukti dambji, kāpēc nojaukti - jo zaļie tā gribēja. [Upd: Par dambjiem dažādos avotos ir dažādas pretrunīgas ziņas, papildu izpēte nepieciešama]
* Nepieņēma savās ostās kuģus ar ieroču kravu Izraēlai
* Iznīcina savu enerģētiku, no wiki: //Under Spain's nuclear phase-out policy, its nuclear fleet is scheduled to shut down by 2035. The first reactor is planned to be taken offline in 2027//

Tendence, odnako. Kreisā politika dažādās izpausmēs.

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Re: Tā ir, kad sienās dzīvo "zaļie"
2024-12-06 15:25 (saite)
Un primārā atbilde par kartes nepatiesību nāk no Dam Removal Europe spīkera.

Bet, nu, tie vismaz ir samērā viegli pārbaudāmi dati, hidroloģisko objektu eksistence dotajās koordinātās jau nav pakārtota viedokļiem.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

Re: Tā ir, kad sienās dzīvo "zaļie"
2024-12-06 15:35 (saite)
What has been destroyed, at least since the year 2000, are small river barriers: structures that interrupt the flow of rivers and are mostly weirs and small dams only a few meters high that have become obsolete or are no longer in use. These structures do not retain water like a reservoir does; instead, they were used to raise the water level and divert the flow to other places, for example, to facilitate the irrigation of nearby plots. In this article by Maldita.es, we explain the infrastructures demolished in the province of Valencia to debunk the claim that “four reservoirs have been demolished.”

The Ministry for the Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITECO) publishes the number of infrastructures removed by hydrographic demarcation and year. In the case of the Júcar River Basin, the most affected by these floods and where the province of Valencia is located, 28 infrastructures have been demolished since the year 2000. On MITECO’s geoportal, it is possible to see each of these infrastructures along with the date of demolition, the use of the structure, and its height; in some cases, observations are provided on who funded the demolition or the reason for it. None of these infrastructures were dams or reservoirs.

The tallest infrastructure among those demolished is the El Retorno weir, measuring 7.35 meters, a considerable height but still less than the dams of the smallest reservoirs in the Júcar: El Regajo (6 hm³, with a 28-meter dam) and Algar (6 hm³, with a 49-meter dam).

Additionally, there are six demolished structures that are referred to as “dam of”: Albaladejito, La Hoz, Las Hoyas, Las Pericas, Los Garridos, and Narboneta. None of these structures were reservoir dams, as can be seen on both MITECO’s geoportal and Google Maps images (with links to where each structure was located).

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

Re: Tā ir, kad sienās dzīvo "zaļie"
2024-12-06 15:37 (saite)
Jā, nu, neesmu augstās domās par jebko no viņu "restore free-flowing rivers across the continent, ak, ak, ak" sapņiem, bet fair enough, izskatās, ka te neviens nav sabotējis lielo infrastruktūru.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

Re: Tā ir, kad sienās dzīvo "zaļie"
2024-12-06 15:41 (saite)
Es tā saprotu ka tie ir nevis rezervuāru [uzkrājošie] bet sadalošie dambji, nu tātad tādi kas pārvirza ūdens plūsmu uz piemēram laukiem un tml, ja vajag. Ja nepārvirza - tad viss ūdens aiziet dabiski uz leju? Kas ir normāli ja upe nepārplūst? Ok, es paskatīšos hidroloģiju bet tur var būt visādi.

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