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@ 2022-10-10 13:05:00

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Adirred kļūdas
Tātad Adirred kļūdaini uzskata ka transhumānisms ir pielīdzināms reliģijai un citē sekojošu tekstu, kuram acīmredzot piekrīt:

//Transhumanism is an ideology according to which we *should* use “person-engineering” technologies to radically enhance ourselves: to make us superintelligent and immortal, and to give us perfect control over our emotions (seriously). This could enable us to create a superior species of “posthumans” living in a techno-utopian paradise, as Bostrom notes in his “Letter from Utopia.” The transhumanist ideology itself has roots in the Anglo-American eugenics tradition, and in fact the term “transhumanism” was popularized by Julian Huxley, who was president of the British Eugenics Society from 1959 to 1962. There are also strong parallels between transhumanism and religion; in fact, Huxley’s 1927 book in which he advocated for a version of transhumanism was revealingly titled “Religion Without Revelation.” Later, in the 1999 Transhumanist FAQ put together by Bostrom, transhumanism is described as a replacement for religion.//

Tātad kur šī teksta autors un Adirred kļūdās:

1) Transhumānisms nav pielīdzināms reliģijai jo transhumānisma piedāvājumā nekur nav runa par pārdabiskiem spēkiem (ja neskaitam dažādas marginālas grupas kuras arī saucas ``transhumānisti``, bet tad tas ir par transhumānismu tādā pat mērā kā scientology par science)

2) Transhumānisms vienkārši ir loģisks medicīnas turpinājums, mēģināt to sasaistīt ar rasismu kā tā teksta autors arī ir aplami.

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2022-10-10 17:51 (saite)
Beic, par Tavu toni man sen viss ir skaidrs :))) Es to par citāta toni

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2022-10-11 11:52 (saite)
Man tas citāta tonis šķiet apburbuļojoši pievilcīgs.

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