wellcome antifas
pret organizētām rioteru grupām (kas starp citu nesenkā aplaupīja braucošu kravas vilcienu), kuras ierodas jūsu pilsētā sēt vienlīdzību un brālību vietējā komūna atbild ar citizenwatch

this evening the town of Coeur d'Alene Idaho heard rumors that the same people who came in white vans into Spokane Washington last night were headed there. It was said these were the instigators that ruined a otherwise peaceful protest, broke into local business and vandalized. The local militia men and women responded with arriving all over downtown guarding all the major intersections. Store owners were boarding up their windows in preparation, while sentinels stood guard and others watched or enjoyed the local food and drink. There were some peaceful protesters there as well that were not bothered or hurt by the armed guards. North Idaho will not put up with Antifa or any group that threatens their towns. As always feel free to share and regardless of your political affiliation or viewpoints I hope you stay safe and enjoy the photos.