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[Jun. 25th, 2022|11:51 pm]
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Culture Wars:

The wife, offended by the spastic techno-pop of Russian neighbour, went to complain with dirty knees (the garden is to be tended with the affection - maternal - of consciousness). "Ny shto?" he answered - "I had to listen to your Ligo shit till 4 in the morning" (which was a lie - a damned lie).

The challenge accepted. She rigged up a speaker to assault him with Wagner, followed by Venom - thrash metal Venom - which resulted in his surrender. Abject surrender.

My wife is a serious bitch.
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Date:June 26th, 2022 - 09:48 am
Cik klišejiski, betja jau Vāgners, tad sāka ar šo ?

[User Picture]
Date:June 26th, 2022 - 11:59 am
Šīm cīņām gan jau izgājusi cauri lielākā daļa mūsdienu latviešu. Dziesmu kari turpinās.
[User Picture]
Date:June 26th, 2022 - 01:32 pm
[User Picture]
Date:June 26th, 2022 - 02:00 pm
Nice wife you have there.:D
[User Picture]
Date:June 26th, 2022 - 11:43 pm
EN. Only EN will save the world.
I recommend albums "Kollaps" (1981) and "Zeichnungen des Patienten O. T." (1983, this one could be especially good for gardening wars)
[User Picture]
Date:June 27th, 2022 - 02:22 pm
Hah! Vinja bija saakusi ar EN, bet to nemineeju, jo biju aizmirsis kaa rakstiit tas grupas nosaukumu. EN nepalidzeeja shinii gadijumaa - tikai Venom.
[User Picture]
Date:June 27th, 2022 - 04:37 pm
oh, my! she's like Soviet toilet paper* – accepts shit from nobody!
greetings & salutations ;)
* there was this early 80s de luxe edition of pre-cut glossy sheets, slightly larger than the playing cards and completely useless for the abject function as they absorbed no moisture or matter (or, indeed, anti-matter) whatsoever. sometimes i think that that was the straw that broke the camel's back.
[User Picture]
Date:June 28th, 2022 - 11:49 am
Sveiciens Tev! She is delighted - sort of - with the comparison.