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[May. 12th, 2022|08:12 pm]
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[User Picture]
Date:May 12th, 2022 - 10:28 pm
To info joprojam ir redzema. What else could affect hospitalisation and death? Age maybe? Vit D levels? Comorbidities and obesity? If there are higher rates in the boosted than the unvaccinated (which there currently are), then it could conceivably follow that the young, otherwise healthy who are fully vaccinated and/or boosted are more likely to catch (and spread) to older more vulnerable people.

I am not against the vaccine as a voluntary medical intervention for those who feel at risk - I am against coercion - especially on the young and fit. Hence the lirika.
[User Picture]
Date:May 12th, 2022 - 10:31 pm
Oh, coercion, right.

Kas attiecas uz komorbiditātēm un vecuma grupām, tad tās ir līdzīgas pie jebkuru infekcijas slimību riskiem, līdz ar to tās var norēķināt nost un dati priekš ikdienišķa apskata joprojām būs pietiekami akurāti.
[User Picture]
Date:May 12th, 2022 - 10:34 pm
Coercion... right!?

Es vairs nevaru... okay - we - without the QR code were banned from almost all places except product shops under a certain size. Told we couldn't work in a range of jobs - my daughter was told she wouldn't be able to play for club and country. Do you remember talk of the 'freedom doses'?
[User Picture]
Date:May 12th, 2022 - 10:54 pm
Don't bother. He's a textbook case of:

[User Picture]
Date:May 12th, 2022 - 11:13 pm
pats jutos demoralizeets.
[User Picture]
Date:May 12th, 2022 - 11:23 pm
I mean "Oh, coercion, right."

This kind of cunt is what... our new technocratic leader?

Where was this fucktard!? Disagree about data and details all you like, but "oh, coercion, right"? Good lord. This will follow me to the end of my days.

[User Picture]
Date:May 13th, 2022 - 08:40 am
Morning, Mindbound. Let me be clear: disagreeing about the general framework of things does not make you a right cunt. However, disputing the existence of, or belittling the significance of the coercion that took place with such offhand condescension (the use of italics - the drawl of the 'right') is in my book - after all the has indisputably occurred - an act of obtuse cuntery.

Thank you for the example of seatbelts. It is a deeply flawed analogy in this context, but as you deleted your comment, it is possible you may have already come to this realisation yourself.
[User Picture]
Date:May 13th, 2022 - 11:00 am
To those, who crave totalitarian governance there's no such thing as coercion. Only thing that matters is, who the coercers get to be. If it's our guys, great. If it's their guys - FASCISM!
[User Picture]
Date:May 13th, 2022 - 05:08 pm
Ja esi izdarījis savu izvēli un tā izrādījusies pareizākā no iespējamajām, tad kāpēc esi demoralizēts?

Ir cilvēki, kurus izglābt vairs nav iespējams. Kaut dakteri stāsta, ka "vakcīnu" sekas iespējams mazināt ar antioksidantiem, kas palīdz atbrīvoties no metāliem organismā. Un veselību palīdzot uzlabot ivermektīns, kas drīzākais saistīts ar ziņām par parazītiem ko izplata vakcinētie. Izmaiņas gēnos, cik lasīts, ir neatgriezeniskas.
[User Picture]
Date:May 13th, 2022 - 08:45 pm
Ja esi izdarījis savu izvēli un tā izrādījusies pareizākā no iespējamajām, tad kāpēc esi demoralizēts?
Because they will be back, I fear, this Autumn with more of the same.
[User Picture]
Date:May 13th, 2022 - 08:55 pm
O, es esmu par 90% pārliecināts, ka tieši tā arī būs.

Vienkārši vajag tam sagatavoties līdz stadijai, ko darīt gadījumā, ja pie durvīm klauvē kōvidpolicija ar izvēli špricējies, vai brauc uz koncentrācijas nometni. Ideālā gadījumā neatrasties dotajā adresē :).
[User Picture]
Date:May 13th, 2022 - 01:38 pm
If there are higher rates in the boosted

Falšs pieņēmums. Tu (apzināti?) izvairies ņemt vērā vispārējo vakcinēto/nevakcinēto proporciju sabiedrībai. Augot vakcinācijas aptverei, inficēto vidū pieaugs vakcinēto skaits, bet nevakcinēto skaits samazināsies - ne jau tāpēc, ka viņi ir labāk pasargāti, bet tāpēc, ka viņu kopējais skaits sarūk.
[User Picture]
Date:May 13th, 2022 - 02:10 pm
According to the SPKC
Unvaccinated = 28.6% of total population
Boosted = 26.8% of total population
Vaccinated (not boosted) = 41.7% of total population

Week 18 Cases =
Unvaccinated = 24.9% of total cases [lower than 28.6%]
Boosted = 29.1% of total cases [higher than 26.8%]
Vaccinated = 43.1% of total cases [higher than 41.7%]

Week 17 Cases =
Unvaccinated = 24% of total cases lower than 28.6%]
Boosted = 27.8% of total cases [higher than 26.8%]
Vaccinated = 45.1% of total cases [higher than 41.7%]
[User Picture]
Date:May 13th, 2022 - 02:26 pm
Un cik procenti no vakcinētajiem ir inficējušies? Cik procenti no nevakcinētajiem ir inficējušies?
[User Picture]
Date:May 13th, 2022 - 02:39 pm
Njemsim ned 17:

Cik procenti no nevakcinētajiem ir inficējušies? 699/542,293 (man liekas = 129/100,000)

Un cik procenti no vakcinētajiem ir inficējušies?

Bustereti: 808/507,643 (159/100,000)
Vakcineeti (bez bustera): 1,311/789,864 (166/100,000)

Ned 18:
Nevakcineeti: 475/542,293 88/100,000)
Bustereti: 554/507,643 (109/100,000)
Vakcineeti (bez bustera): 821/789,864 (104/100,000)

Viss dati no SPKC.

Bet paarbaudi. Es jau aizsuutiju, lai citi parbaudiitu. Iepejams, esmu shur tur kljudies.
[User Picture]
Date:May 13th, 2022 - 04:05 pm
Tu nesaprati. No visiem vakcinētajiem valstī kopā - cik procenti ir inficējušies?

Un no visiem nevakcinētajiem visā valstī - cik procenti inficējušies?
[User Picture]
Date:May 13th, 2022 - 04:18 pm
Es sekoju informaacijai no SPKC liidz taa informacija tika nonjemta pirms dazhaam nedeljaam (so week to week changes). Es tagad peetu pashreizeejo tendenci (current trends) no ned 13 - ned 18 ar info, ko pieprasiiju no SPKC.

Ja vajag info par to, cik procenti ir inficeejushies no nevakcineetajiem un vakcineetajiem visu sho laiku (kopsh vakcinaacijas sakuma), tad pasham tas buus jaaatrod. Gan jau kaut kur ir.
[User Picture]
Date:May 13th, 2022 - 04:55 pm
A bez tā tavi spriedelējumi ir tufta, biedri. Jo es atkārtošu, ja visi būtu vakcinēti, visi inficētie būtu vacinētie, a nevakcinētā neviena. Te tas pats. A tu esi apmaldījies trīs priedēs - esi sajaucis, kas ir daļa no daļas, un kā salīdzināt dažādas daļas un to daļas. Tu beigu beigās apples and oranges uzskati par vienu un to pašu...
[User Picture]
Date:May 13th, 2022 - 05:21 pm
How can an analysis of infection rates per vaccination status (that is per 100,000) be 'tufta'? If I analyse the trends, then I will see which group over the last few months has the highest infection rates (per 100,000).

For example, from the information I gave you for Weeks 17 and 18 (which I got from SPKC), can you tell me clearly and explicitly where I have gone wrong? After all, we have the total number for each group and the infected number per each group. Are you saying it is not possible to calculate the number/100,000 from this information?

Are you saying 699/542,293 is not 129/100,000? I mean I stand to be corrected, but that is what I get.
[User Picture]
Date:May 13th, 2022 - 05:51 pm
Math is a conspiracy theory.
[User Picture]
Date:May 13th, 2022 - 07:08 pm
Maybe - I just don't understand where he thinks I have gone wrong. I genuinely don't get why he can't see that it is possible to calculate trends concerning rates of infection according to vaccination status (per 100,000) over a period of time if we know a) the number of infections per group each week and b) the total number of each group. Maybe someone else could explain? If I have gone wrong somewhere: fine. I'm not a statistician, bet pagaidam...
[User Picture]
Date:May 13th, 2022 - 08:33 pm
As i said, don't bother. They will double down on 2+2=5 forever now. Remember that chick (Hedera), who suddenly couldn't understand basic proportion calculations that is learned in primary school, when it didn't suit The Message. Yeah.
[User Picture]
Date:May 14th, 2022 - 11:08 am
oh - atceros kaut ko tam liidziigu! It was odd cos - as far as I understood - she has a PHD in being clever or something from Oxford University: might be wrong about that.

If your thesis is right, then the future is simply appalling. We are in a home for the .... I don't know the adjective: 'bewildered' doesn't cut it. Maybe 'terrified'? An Irish pagan I listen to from time to time claims the majority of people are mortified about not fitting in - which in this case is fitting in - maybe ostentatiously - with the current correct opinion about whatever is coming down the pipe (you wouldn't want to be an idiot, far-right, populist, conspiracy theorist with the brain of a potato - (think of all the people who will think you are an orrible cretin!). The only way you can resist this (without resisting for the sake of resistance) is by understanding reality as best you can - which often, as Orwell stated, is recognising 2 + 2 = 4.
Like I said, though: if I have fucked up in my calculations, just let me know (anyone reading this). I can take it. They will need some revision in any event as I am waiting for some more up-to-date data from the relevant institutions.
[User Picture]
Date:May 14th, 2022 - 12:39 pm
I also ought to point out that SPKC was giving exactly this form of data (so-called 'tufta'), namely infection rates for each group (according to vaccination status) per 100,000.

Until they took it down.

Had they got confused among those three pine trees, too? someone should tell them.